Has anyone driven a vehicle in the Nude, how far did you drive, was it daylight or nighttime. etc.
Yes, I have driven NUDE several times in UK,
I find the best way is to be really daring is to put all your clothes in the boot (trunk) and then drive through town past stoplights and slowly up one way streets,
I have had some looks from truck drivers and people in buses that I guess can see you,
but so far never been pulled over by the cops!
I love the freedom of driving Naked, and I am so pleased to find fellow Nudists on here that do the same. I regularly drive the freeways (motorways) in UK NUDE.
This is a story written by an exhibitionist pretending to be a nudist.
Has anyone driven a vehicle in the Nude, how far did you drive, was it daylight or nighttime. etc.
Yes, I have driven NUDE several times in UK, I find the best way is to be really daring is to put all your clothes in the boot (trunk) and then drive through town past stoplights and slowly up one way streets, I have had some looks from truck drivers and people in buses that I guess can see you, but so far never been pulled over by the cops! I love the freedom of driving Naked, and I am so pleased to find fellow Nudists on here that do the same. I regularly drive the freeways (motorways) in UK NUDE.Exhibitinism has nothing to do with nudism.
Mr. Tierney, give it an effing break! This used to be a fun thread ... then it got cranky like too many other things in life.
"Driving in the nude" is not about exhibitionism.
Exhibitionism is not about nudism.
But a nudist is maybe sometimes going to drive naked, whether he or she is driving a BMF truck or a little BMW.
If you don't want to drive naked, nobody's going to make you.
But if I want to, and it seems safe, and "not exhibitionistic", nobody can make me stop. Not even you.
Unless something stupid happens. And if that stupid thing happens, than I assume responsibility for the consequences of my actions.
Now, can we please, everybody, get back to the fun topic of "driving naked." Or, if you prefer, "nude driving." Whatever. Which I think is a kick and love to do whenever I can.
Which is not often, because the "State's Finest" do give me pause ... but they don't stop me.
Cheers everybody.
(The Naked Badger keeps his fur on!)
Ahhhhhh for crying out loud. Let's stop this because the Ultra Nudist wants the last word and if we don't stop ... he'll just go on and on. He's hell bent on telling everyone HOW and WHAT you HAVE to do to be a nudist. So ... all of you go into your profiles, post some pics of your penis in an erect state, spread eagle photos, have females comment on them in a sexual manner and then go into every thread you dislike and denounce everything everyone else says and does cuz it isn't what you'd do. He's a real True Nudist! I'm done with this thread and I think I'll go out and drive NAKED! ; )
We went out to find a secluded spot to sunbathe a few years ago and managed to be naked most of the afternoon...the evening was still warm so my wife and I decided to drive back naked...about 180 miles or so! We walked back to the car in the nearby car park...still naked...and just got in the car and drove away. No one really noticed we were naked or if they did they didn't wave or anything. But on the way back we began to feel a bit hungry so decided to get a McD from a drive thru...the look of amazement on the assistant's face was a picture! And eventually she just smiled, took our order...at the collection window the assistant told us we needed to wait for our order and to pull into one of the bays! My wife and I thought something was amiss but next thing an assistant and the assistant manager were at my window with our food. The assistant manager suggested that it wasn't the best idea and pointed out there are cctv cams...but he smiled and said he didn't mind and it had made all the staff smile! He then asked if he could take our pics holding the McD bags...we duly obliged and then went on our way!
When I left Florida last spring for the ride home I left around 4:00 am. I drove entirely nude to my first gas stop. By then it was getting toward daybreak. I stopped for some breakfast and gas. (after putting clothes on). I then removed my pants and rode with just a tshirt on. Long enough so I could cover up if a vehicle passed me. I had to put pants on whenever I stopped is all. I made it to North Carolina like that the first day. Day 2 was similar except when I got about 75 miles from home it was snowing on the roads and I didn't want to be in a possible accident on icy roads so I had to dress up for the remainder of the ride.
Since I do this most of the time anyway, I don't post each and everytime I drive nude cuz I'd have to post on here 2-3 thimes a day! LOL What I am enjoying, currently, is driving our motorhome naked. We had a few things to do to it and rather than work on it at the storage lot, I brought it home. My wife dropped me off and as I was getting out of the car and gathering my "stuff" (wallet, cell, keys, glass case, she says ... "don't forget our towels!" She knew I'd be driving naked and was reminding me of the towels we were going to leave in the motorhome for naked driving. Had a fun drive home. This morning, we got up early and ventured out into the coach and stripped off and then began working on it and re-organizing the cupboards again. We will be out there again this evening doing the same thing. I'll be taking it back on Tues. but not after I do a little naked cruising around town first! LOL