I went for a nude drive this evening.I call them "Get Naked Rides."I am not brave enough to leave the house nude,and have no clothes.I am wearing at least a pair of loose fitting shorts I can get in and out of quickly and easily.I find me a nice country road,and off come the shorts.Riding naked thru the nite is great.Nude driving is one of my favorite summer time activities. I am happier and more relaxed when I am naked.
Green apples and red apples ... Cheri! Ya know I love ya but ... that comparison isn't what many of us are doing. Boasting about it on the CB radio is asking for trouble. Simply driving from one place to another and not causing attention to yourself and the fact that you're nude is not the same as what these people did. Besides that ... those four people were arrested/cited and I fail to see how it affected naturism and nudists because it sure didn't affect the many of us here. The only place I'd ever heard of this incident was from you on another site. ; )
I love ya too...you are a great friend. They were two married couples, husbands names were both David. One lives in SC now and I'm not sure where the other one lives. Both couples are no longer married. They were talking about traveling nude going from the nude bowling back to the nudist park. Truckers picked up on it and cops listened in.
It happened, I am not fabricating it.
Cheri ... I didn't say you were "fabricating," what I was getting at was that the type of naked driving, many of us are speaking of, is far different than the incident you are using as an example. Those people could have done exactly what we do ... and not had the cops come after them. Just like many of us, we don't "broadcast" it while we're driving ... but if you want to compare what they did on a CB radio to what we are doing here... talking about driving naked on a Naturist internet site ... I think it's quite a stretch! LOL If I were to drive naked in a convertible, in broad daylight, in traffic ... absolutely asking for trouble but I still fail to see how an isolated incident like that affects nudists and naturism. ; )
Hey Always ... just got a little naked driving in this afternoon! Getting the motorhome ready to go back to storage. Drove to fuel it up and dump the tanks. Fun but short naked drive! ; )Next time let me know, I'll tag along and bring you snacks or drinks while you are driving, heck I'm potty trained and I'll even bring my own beer LoL xoxoxo Hawk
Had a "Daddy Do" list to handle at our youngests home. She had to run some errands, after I was done, so we said our "goodbye's" and went in our directions. I decided to take the LOOONNNNNGGGG way home (the back roads) and after a short stop for a cold drink, I got in the truck, put down the windows, slipped off the t shirt and shorts and headed home. It was about 103 out here today but the warm air coming into the cab felt good and the sun on my lap felt just as good. Not many other cars on this road so the drive was slower and longerthan usual and was great. Found a couple of roads I'd not been on and took a couple of detours before getting back on the main road home. Short stop at Home Depot for some potting plants for a project, back in the truck and then did some naked gardening! Fun afternoon. Just came inside after spending a few hours of nude time out on the patio with the wife. Life is good! :D
Good for you Always. Safe trip! Got a bunch of naked driving and just plain ol' naked time today! Today the cleaning lady came to the house. I always vacate when she comes to clean. I decided to go to the club and spend the day. I slipped on my mesh shorts for about a minute while I moved the truck up into the garage. I took off the shorts and threw them in the front seat. I loaded the truck and jumped in and headed down the road. Drove through the drive thru lane at Starbucks and then off to the club. Slipped on the shorts again to check in. Back out to the truck and off with the shorts. Spent the day and then showered and jumped in the truck and headed home. I had to make a quick stop at Home Depot for a project I'm working on. I was in the store maybe 15 mins. Got out to the truck that was parked away from everything and stripped off the shorts and t shirt and back in the truck for the ride home. Got home, pulled the truck part way into the garage and got out and unloaded. I think maybe ... I've been dressed, minimally, for about 20 mins tops today! :D
My truck was partially in the garage which made it easy to get in and out ... naked. I left to go to the storage lot where our motorhome is stored. I talked with the guys and the let me in the gate. I drove to where our motorhome was parked and jockeied the truck so I could get out naked and get into the coach. I did what I needed to do in the motorhome, locked it up and got back in the truck and headed for home. There's so much that can be done, while you're naked, if you plan and are strategic in vehicle placement. I got home, pulled the truck 1/2 way into the garage and got out naked and unloaded. ALL without being detected and naked! :D
Just had two great rides across US and state hiways in S.D. N.D. and Mt nude. It was glorious and fun . With my job I spend a lot of time on 2 lane and rural roads. Much easier to get naked and drive that way for hours. But when you drive an 18 wheeler for a living not many people can see inside and scream to the law ofa naked man driving through their town. If I could I would drive naked and work naked all the time, but we all know that will never happen for us who truly love the freedom of no clothes!!!