RE: TOTALLY Nude Driving

I did once for about 50 miles on the interstate, many years ago, just to see what would happen...fortunatelyfor me there were no incidents, but I was scared enough not to do it again!!

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Nude Driving

I've done mostly nude driving a number of times and totally nude others. Usually it's at night so no one can see in the car anyway but one time I drove on the outer loop freeway around our town to get home. It was SO nice being nude in general, and even better while driving.

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RE: Nude Driving

I have driven nude many time starting back in 1984, I was 18 then...ok do that math and you have my age now, or just read my profile. LOL My first nude drive was in summer of 1984 in Cincinnati Ohio. It was only about 10 miles one way, but a great experience and then back home nude as well, from there I got more daring and on longer drives. The longest was from Los Angeles, Ca to Dallas, Tx and then onto Nashville, TN. I was nude about 99% of the time, only put on shorts (no nudergarments) and flip-flops long enought to get gas, use the bathroom and get food. Then again, I drove almost non-stop, Los Angeles, Ca to Nashville, TN nude more than the time beofre, day or night, did not care, even got out of my car after the sun set to take a break from driving, some cars would pass and I was there streaching nude! No one seemed to care and no one stopped. I have also driven to a 9 day nudist event nude from my garage to the resort, checked in nude and was not in clothing for about 11 days...was wonderful! I have many stories of nude driving. I can say i am not sure if anyone has ever caught me, but keep shorts handy incase I get those flashing lights behind me. Most recently and almost each timeI drive to and from Indianapolis, IN to Chicago, Il I am nude, day or night. No shoes, shorts, nothing on me at all...not even a watch! ;-)

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RE: Driving in the Nude

I have driven nude a number of times, had passengers nude in my car, and have ridden in other peoples cars nude. Really quite comfortable. I always kept a towel handy in case I had to cover up. Using automatic toll lanes does not help because sometimes there is a someone close to the machine.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

Ok am inspired, may have to do some nude driving today it is over 40 here in Chicago and am tired of being pent up inside...may have a shirt on but no pants socks or breifs (dont wear them often anyway).

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Driving Nude

I've done it a couple of times. Once when I was out of town, I was in a hotel swimming pool. Igot into my car with the swimsuit on and took it off and drove home. It was early evening in the Summer so still daylight.

The other time was when we were coming back from a nudist party. I really shouldn't have been driving, but my wife didn't know the way back to the interstate. So, I drove nude to the interstate. At the entrance ramp I hopped out and we switched places. So I was nude on the entrance ramp to an interstate.

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Sactoto LA

I drove a U haul truck from Sacramento to LA with only my shoes on. I heard ( unverified) that having shoes to safely operate the peddles is more of an issue than clothing. Great fun. Discretion won out at gas and snack stops. I was going to pump gas nude when it occurred to me that many gas stations have cameras and patrons have cell fones. Gym shorts are handy. I was able to have a soda at a rest stop overlooking Pyramid lake. I parked away from others and sat on the wall watching the moon over the lake & canyon. Beartiful sight and feeling. Had to take a leak in Saugus & pulled behind a shopping center ( after dark) & went behind a dumpster with the truck shielding me from the parking lot. My wife & I have driven 60 miles from a nude resort to home in the nude. Great fun.

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RE: nude driving

Well this made day 2 of driving nude, yesterday and today. Yesterday was great and had no issues but today, as I was leaving Ikea, stripped in the parking lot and as I got closer to Chicago the rain started and it was a horrible down pour, driving slowed to about 25mph, and I was aware of everything around me and kept thinking, I should really try to get dressed, but was also to afraid to pull over on the side of the road....oh well made it fine and nothing happen.... ;-)

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Nude driving

I having been driving nude in public since i was 16 and still continue today. I like driving insterstate country roads and intown nude during the day or night doesnt really matter to me. I do keep a pair of shorts for stops but after thats done shorts are gone on rest areas i try to remain nude as well anyone else want to me my freind or share chatting add me on yahoo under buckeyefannudist hope to hear from you all take care todd

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RE: Driving in the Nude

I once drove several hundred miles in the nude out in west Texas where it was pretty much just me and the mesquite.

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