A long and enjoyable naked drive and weekend with friends in AZ! Drove from our driveway to the driveway of ourfriend's vacation house to meet another nudist couple. Got out of the truck naked and was greeted naked by our friends in the driveway! What a way to start the weekend. The entire weekend and up until yesterday at noon, I'd had clothes on for about a total of 3 hours! Our drive to AZ was about 5 hours. The return trip was a little longer because we took a side trip on a dirt road and did some exploring. Got out of the truck and explored naked for a bit, took some pics and then back in the truck and continued on home. Once home, we continued our nudity since the street was dead and no one was home. Great weekend and awesome naked driving time. Of all those hours of naked driving ... best part was our side trip on the dirt road and naked exploring with my wife. :D
After finishing work in Sydney,last Saturday morning, I went to pick up one of my naturist friends, driving through the city naked to his place. I had organized a trip to the Ku-ring-gai chase National park. Both of us were naked in the car all the way. The first entrance gate, we arrived at, was closed, due to maintenance on the track and so decided to access the National park from a different location. Neither of us got dressed during the whole trip through the suburbs, passing buses and trucks, which was cool. We were looking for a suitable track for a nude bush hike, which we found eventually and got ourselves on to the track. Besides a few people on bicycles, no one encountered us. We have spent all the time naked, driving and hiking. It was a great nude out and about day.
I've driven nude to & from Haulover Beach in Miami. I did have to keep a towel in the front seat though because the parking lot is across the street from the beach & you have to walk through a pedestrian tunnel, so I had to cover up going to & from the car.
Some (if not all) will call my experience as not driving nude, but we all have to start somewhere. I am not the type to 'jump right in' but 'wade in'. I have a bud of mine who lives 3 hours away, and I normally take two Interstate highways to go visit. When I leave my house, it is usually dark out (night time), and I only wear a lightweight t-shirt (Under Armour), a pair of shorts and tennis shoes. I also bring a towel to sit on. As I do not have a garage, I have to get into my car while it is parked on the street, so I am fully clothed at that point.
However, when I have driven far enough out of town, I put the car on cruise control, and only strip off the shorts. The shoes and t-shirt stay on. Since I am driving at night, I dim the dash lights, so it makes it harder for people to see what is going on in my car. I also drive in the right hand lane as much as I can, so no other drivers can look directly down into my car. Also, my car has ventilated seats, and I have that accessory on to keep me cool. My shorts are in the passenger seat, just in case anything happens, and I need to pull over.
Again, this is done at night, and the only time I really need to cover is when I am going through a tunnel on one if the interstate highways. It is a long tunnel, and well lit, so I cover my lap with the shorts, and arrange them to look like I am wearing them. No one has been the wiser. Once I am out of the tunnel, the shorts go back to the passenger seat. Again, I am still wearing a lightweight t-shirt, just to ensure that even a bare chest doesn't draw attention. When I get to my buds house, I park in his driveway, pull the shorts on, and get out of the car. Yes, I know I am not fully nude, but it certainly feels that way. I feel very comfortable, and not distracted at all.
It's a normal car ride while being bare ass. LOL!
I have on numerous times driven nude. The longest distance I think was I would say 45 or so miles. Mind you I did it during the evening or early morning when light outside is low but I did it. I drove most of the way to culinary school that way a few times and I have driven home from work nude, a couple of different jobs and through a few towns.
I haven driven nude a few times - love it! Last time was last winter when I went to Haulover Beach. When I left the beach, I just hated the idea of having to put something on after having been naked on the beach all day. I wore just a thong back to the parking lot, and then took it off before driving back to Ft Lauderdale. It should have been just a 1/2 hour drive, but when I got to Ft Lauderdale, the traffic was really backed up along the beach. I was stuck in traffic for 40 minutes on the beachfront road, with people walking on the sidewalk right next to me. I am sure some people must have seen me because all they had to do was to turn my way and they would see me. It felt so great to stay naked on the drive back!
My favorite nude hiking spot is a 45 minute drive away. I get in my car in the garage nude and drive out to Sycamore Creek for a day in the sun, drive home nude, and head straight for the shower. My car has tinted windows and sits pretty high, and I keep a pair of shorts handy. Love to drive nude!