RE: Driving in the Nude

I drive sans clothes just about everywhere I go. Tips for those that want to try this:1. Get tinted windows2. Guys - use the right lane - harder for vehicles to see your lap3. Get a loose pair of shorts that can be slipped on quickly4. Practice the art of dressing/undressing in the car - trust me if you do drive in the buff, someday you will need to be well-practiced at getting dressed in a hurry.5. Be aware of your surroundings. Watch your mirrors for those larger vehicles6. Allow for extra time to get to your destination as you invariably will need to slow down or make a turn to avoid getting in a bad situation7. Drive naked on routes you know well. Getting stuck where you end up in an area with lots of pedestrian traffic or school buses for example could get messy fast.Have fun. Drive naked. Be smart about it though... k?Smart tips if you are going to take the risk

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RE: Driving in the Nude

LIFE is full of risks! If you don't like driving naked, don't think YOU should do it ... DON'T do it. But the same can be said for those of you that take the risk of being naked in your homes with the blinds or curtains open. Those that are nude in their backyards and gardens. When we take our nudity out of the confines of our bedrooms ... we are taking risks. Those that want to continue to hide ... do so, but some of us are not here for a lecture on what we are doing or chose to do. It's our choice and if you don't like reading about it ... there are plenty of other topics to comment on. I think it's wrong and in poor taste to "assume" that some of us are driving naked for some sort of kicks, the thrill, to possibly be seen or caught. I've been driving naked for over 20 years and have ALWAYS taken the precautions to NOT be seen. For those who have not taken those precautions, you take what's coming. For those that don't approve of some of us driving naked ... it's our lives, our risks and all the snide remarks are not going to change our minds. Let's just let each other live and let live. : )

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RE: Driving in the Nude

LIFE is full of risks! If you don't like driving naked, don't think YOU should do it ... DON'T do it. But the same can be said for those of you that take the risk of being naked in your homes with the blinds or curtains open. Those that are nude in their backyards and gardens. When we take our nudity out of the confines of our bedrooms ... we are taking risks. Those that want to continue to hide ... do so, but some of us are not here for a lecture on what we are doing or chose to do. It's our choice and if you don't like reading about it ... there are plenty of other topics to comment on. I think it's wrong and in poor taste to "assume" that some of us are driving naked for some sort of kicks, the thrill, to possibly be seen or caught. I've been driving naked for over 20 years and have ALWAYS taken the precautions to NOT be seen. For those who have not taken those precautions, you take what's coming. For those that don't approve of some of us driving naked ... it's our lives, our risks and all the snide remarks are not going to change our minds. Let's just let each other live and let live. : )No disagreement bottom line is everyone responsible for themselves. I affirm taking precautions and benign wise about it.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

This is something I've always wanted to try. I'm a bit too concerned about being caught though. I had thought a sarong would be handy, something you can sit on while driving and just wrap around should the need arise.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

Spent most of the day having a garage sale ... so it was a clothing mandatory morning and early afternoon. We packed up the stuff that didn't sell and headed to the "donation center." Once in the car ... my wife looked over and I was slipping off my shorts and t shirt. She said ... "that's not fair. I thought we'd wait til we unloaded the truck at the Goodwill store." hahahaha

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RE: Driving in the Nude

So proud of myself! Reading some of the things in this group really inspired me, so tonight I took my first TWO naked drives. In the beginning it wasn't really fun as I was too worried about who might see (the hard work of pacing as mentioned by Andi) but after the first five minutes I could care less who would see me. Luckily, the vibe over here is that a miracle would need to happen for someone to phone the cops if they see you; they might snigger or have an interesting discussion with their friends, but who cares! I loved it and will do this often!!
I planned the initial drive since this morning; knew I had a late night meeting with a third party in anisolatedarea and I just knew that this was my chance (couldn't focus on any meetings during the day as I kept visualising lol). The first drive was without any pants but I left my shirt on. After I got home I was so thrilled that I decided to wait an hour or so and to then go for a fun drive. I left the house in shorts and a T shirt and took it all off as I went around the corner from my house. I was planning to put it on again before I stopped in my driveway, but the rush was too much! I pulled up the driveway naked and stopped in my garage. I then waited the 30 seconds for the auto lights to turn off and actually got out the car and walked all the way to the front door.. naked. I am now typing this and I am still naked... and absolutely thrilled by the experience!
Thanks for talking about this. I would also now be one of the peeps very interested to hear about other dares, especially if they are as much fun as this.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

Being naked while driving doesn't necessarily mean the "nudity" was the cause of the accident! Sure ... if there's some sexual conduct that got your mind off driving but most of those posting here do it for sure pleasure and as an extension of our nudist life... and not because there is some sexual conduct happening. I drive naked quite a bit. I don't talk on the phone, text or read emails. I drive and watch out for the other guy. Simply driving naked does NOT cause accidents. So ... if the cop comes up to you and says ... why are you naked, you just respond ..."that's really NOT the issue here, how 'bout if you find out why they other guy crashed into me!" :)

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RE: Driving in the Nude

and what if you get in an accident and the police is arriving, how do you explain being in the nude ?????Do not be a smart ass. The cop has the handcuffs and gun. And in most places the law on his side. Bring a towel to sit on. Those cell benches are filthy and cold.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

Ah yes ... now that's intellegence and common sense talking. You've been in an accident, you're naked and possibly injured. The cop asks a stupid question, you answer in a smart ass way and he handcuffs you and shots you. Good thing MOST cops don't think that way and most are professional enough to treat you with respect. For those that have so much trouble with driving naked or those that drive naked ... aren't there enough other threads to go and comment on? You're NOT going to change anyone's mind, here, about what it is we do. If you can't handle it, can't do it, don't want to do it ... that's fine, butsave yourself sometime and save your wrist from carpel tunnel syndromestop trying to discourage others that do because it's not going to work. Thanks! :D

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RE: Driving in the Nude

Oh, OK, you can go ahead and be a smart ass, but still remember those dirty cold benches are waiting.

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