RE: Driving in the Nude

I did this one time, put a pair of shorts on the seat, then just wearing a bumbag (not completely nude, you might say) - I drove to Parramatta where I dropped my wife off near the Westfield. Lots of pedestrians, cars and cameras.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

Played golf today. My buddy and I were paired up with a couple of women so they sent us out as a foursome instead of 2 twosomes. It wasn't bad, they were nice and we had a decent round. Somewhere toward the end of the round ... I blew out the left side of my shorts ... from the left side pocket seam almost down to the hem. I didn't even feel it til we were done and inside the club house talking with some friends that were also there playing.
As I sat and fiddled with the shorts .. I realized that I was pretty well exposed if I did certain things and not sure what those ladies could see or did see. At any rate, they never said a thing and were very friendly throughout the round. Seemed dumb to leave the shorts on for the ride home. So I took them off, as well as everything else and drove home nude. A good round of golf and a naked drive home. Pretty good day ... all in all! hahaha

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RE: Driving in the Nude

Been back to driving nude off and on for the last couple of weeks because the weather began cooperating with the attire I needed to drive naked ... shorts, flip flops and t shirts. Our Spring has sprung and it's brought colder than normal temps so ... I'm back in long pants for most of the day and naked at home or at the club during those times when it's warm enough. Hoping for warm weather on Monday. Naked drive to and from the club if the temps are good. ;-)

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RE: Driving in the Nude

I have driven alone in a car across country. While driving thru Arkansas, Ok, Texas and New Mexico I drove the entire time nude. The only creep was a trucker who drove off the exit to a rest stop when I did. Although I was clothed when I exited the car, he tried to follow me into the restroom. The other times I would drive topless at night with the sun roof open in California.A woman, ALONE, driving around in the nude? You gotta be kidding.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

Annual trip out to the desert. No sooner got there and got set up, got the 4x4 vehicles off the trailer and I hoped into one and took an hour ride by myself. Got far enough away from camp and stripped off and drove for about 30 mins up some trails. Got out a few times to walk around and enjoy the warm desert air, the sun and freedom of being naked with no one around for about 2-3 miles.
Drove back to the same spot where I took my clothes off and got dressed again. Would have been seen had I stopped a few minutes later. I got my pants on but not my shirt when a couple drove by in their 4x4. They both just waved and smiled. I'm hoping to get out there and do a long weekend in the nude. I'd like my wife to go with me but she's not interested in the least about a nude trip to Death Valley! hahaha :D

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RE: Driving in the Nude

New Jeep has dark tinted windows all the way around ... except the windshield! I'll be naked driving this weekend and whenever I get the chance! :D

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RE: Driving in the Nude

Tainted windows can cause you to get a ticket in some locales

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RE: Driving in the Nude

"Always," this window tint citation has been contested in court and dismissed countless numbers of times, here in So Cal. The first case involved a young man, years ago,that argued that cops are not above the law and should adhere to all of them, just like the rest of the public and the Judge agreed. When the young man showed the Judge pictures of the citing officer in his private vehicle with darker tinted windows than were on his car, the Judge through the case out.
Subsequent cases followed with the same outcome and cops don't want to be dragged into court, shown to have violated the same vehicle codes they were citing others for and made to look hypocritical and not following the laws that they were to enforce. It's not to say that you won't get a "fix it" ticket, which means that you have to remove the tint, but you'd have to really piss off the cop to get one.
The fact is ... you can tint your windows dark enough to be able to drive naked and not be seen and still stay within the acceptable limits of the law.It truly depends on what else you're stopped for,your demeanor towards the officer and whether or not he/she is having "one of those days" or a type of cop that would ticket his mother or grandmother! :D

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RE: Driving in the Nude

Window tint here is tested as part of the annual safety inspection - can't get the mandatory safety sticker if it's even a little bit too dark.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

One of the arguments for tinting, here in So Cal, was the hot summers. Tinting helped keep the inside of the vehicle cooler than cars without tint. It's truly up to the cop, his/her frame of mind, interpretation of the law and whether or not their vehicle windows are tinted dark, as well, whether or not they want to show up to court for a contested citation and most likely have it thrown out by the judge.
It's too bad that HI is strict on this. With the temps what they are in the HI islands, you'd think there would be some leeway and common sense to allow tinting to a point. Either way ... we happen to be fortunate enough to have not been hassled or cited for tinted windows in over a dozen years of tinting ours. If we ever were ... it still would not stop me from driving naked!;-)

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