I everyone. during the summer I go waterskiing with a local club (non nudist) around the twin cities her in MN. Being disabled I need to scoot myself thru the sandy beach up to mu wheelchair. in the process of doing that.... I get sand packed into places that I and most people don't like have sand in. I end up taking off my swim shorts off before I get into my truck for the drive home. their have been many time I have driven home only warped in a towel when traveling thru the city but when their isn't any cars around me I take off my towel to at least dry off a little more before getting home.
My wife has driven home a couple of time naked. But she mostly takes off her pants or skirt and if she has on panties, they will often come off as she drives home from work. This is only at night that she has don this.
Wow! I'm really impressed with the distances that some have driven nude! This is something I have always been curious about but had never tried. Certainly my recent experience doesn't compare with what many have shared here but during my recent visit to a resort, I did finally get the chance to drive nude on the resort roads. The distance wasn't great but it felt wonderful being able to drive while completely nude, in broad daylight.
Actually I drive nude at least once maybe twice a week. I will get undressed in the parking lot at work. Drive the 30 minutes home. It started a few years ago as a dare from my wife. I did it and she did too now we do it fairly often more in the summer, I love to see her with her top down!! In fact here in a little bit now that Im more motivated I will run over to the state park for a drive and hike. Stay Free!! and not the pads
Lol, Sands, welcome to the forum! Sure hope you and your wife are going to wait until the snow stops and the weather warms up before heading to the state park!
I've done it many times, not too worried either. Not like you're showing off from in your car, cops would be daft to ticket you because there's almost no way to ding you for anything. Mind you, I keep shorts nearby. But one time in the winter, my ex and I were driving back from the ski resort and it had been pouring rain and we were soaked! We started taking off our clothes as the carwarmed up and before we knew it, we were both naked and laughing. Don't recommend going through customs that way tho. those guys (and gals) have no sense of humour! I drive in day or night, but it is a bit more relaxing if you stay out of downtown!
As my sweet wife were dressing to head home from Lone Star Resort today, I commented that the clothes sure felt restrictive...like I was putting on a straight-jacket. I was so tempted to drive home nude, but totally chickened out. The clothes came off as soon as I got everything out of the truck!
Have been driving nude on several occasions over the years in different countries and even across national boundaries. All in Europe. Distances varied from few km to few 100 km. Nothing worthwhile to mention, no incidences except some astonished glances from trucks or buses/coaches on me and/or co-travellers occasionally.
i have done it a few times. always after 11 pm. i usually have one of those terrycloth velcro wraps to sit on in case i need to cover up for a reason. i usually drive some roads near me that are practically deserted late at night, just need to keep an eye out for the deer.
We had a trailer at a local nudist resort and I had stayed for a couple weeks. When it was time to come home, I loaded the car and drove off--forgetting to get dressed. I was nearly halfway home (about a 60 mile drive) and realized I had no clothes. Just a towel. I obviously just drove home. Afterward, I drove nude whenever I chanced it. At the time, I did a lot of nudist public relations, so with my openness with the media, I was a bit bold. Now 15 years later, with the attitude of the nation taking a different perspective, I am more reluctant to drive naked.