All of my nude driving occurs late at night.I have a quite country road I ride on.Sometimes the clothes come off before I get to my country road.It is all to do with how comfortable I am with my surroundings as I drive.Better to be safe than sorry.I usually wear a pair of shorts and flip flops on my rides.
I have driven nude on I-84 from Portland east many times. Always do it in the day time, not sure I would want to do that at night. Have also drive nude in Portland. I don't think it is illegal to drive nude in Oregon. It is legal to be nude unless there is some local rule restricting it. Could be city or county. I have read about a young lady taking the bus nude in Portland.
A friend I met at the river told me she likes to drive nude, but only does it at night.
I have driven nude on handful of occasions and always has been during long distance trips. The last time I did so was in the summer when I took a trip from NY to Virginia. It really boils down to one thing and one thing only, COMMON SENSE. In my few years of driving nude I keep to the following rules:
1) I do not drive nude in broad daylight. Unless I am in rural America, I do not drive during the day. The whole point of nude driving is to be able to do so without being detected. During the day there's just too much opportunity for people to see you.
2) I do not drive nude in stop and go traffic. Any chance for cars to stop is a chance for others to look your way. I keep my nude driving to highways. I also do not do it during rush hours. The only exception to the rule is night time where they aren't many people on the road. I once went to a concert and it did not let out until 12:30 AM. My apartment was a 30 minutes drive away and I felt comfortable enough to do it in the nude because there weren't many people on the road and it was at night.
3) Do not draw attention to yourself. Do not do things that may draw attention to yourself like speeding, driving unsafely, or even playing loud music. Even something as simple as the weather you should consider. Example: I would not drive nude in the dead of winter. People will notice I am shirtless and will wonder why is a guy driving shirtless when it is cold outside?
4) Obey the traffic laws.
5) Know the laws of tinted windows in your state. If you can, get the passenger windows tinted.
6) Lastly, have a pair of shorts or something you can quickly put on. I normally have a very long T-shirt next to me as I can easily put it on and it covers down to my knees.
I respectfully disagree. I think most people don't really care, and many "non" nudists would actually like to try being naked more often, but are afraid to, for whatever reason. It's a small, but vocal and pushy few that want to control everyone else's behavior that get upset by seeing someone naked, and most of the time, it really doesn't offend them, but they have to keep up appearances for fear of being rejected by the other pushy control freaks. I've driven naked many, many times on long cross country drives. I've probably logged over 300,000 miles of nude driving by now, day and night, through many States. I'm very careful to keep shorts close by, and cover up when a slow bus or truck passes so as not to "offend" one of the pushy few. However, on a number of occasions I've gotten a wave or thumbs up from a few, and smiles from others. They correctly assume I'm naked, but there is no way anyone can actually see my genitals unless they walk up and look into my window. Drivers of any vehicle can't see through the armrest, or past the dashboard or around the seat belt from any angle. Legally, no one can prove I'm naked, nor can they prove that I have "exposed" my genitals, which is usually the determining factor for charging someone with "indecent exposure". Even if they took a picture, it would not prove anything. When I drive cross country, I'm either naked or wearing Uzi shorts, which, frankly, are so short that it looks like I'm naked anyway. I'm very good at putting them on quickly in the event of an unintended stop. Practice, practice practice.
Done right, nude driving is not a problem. Just be aware of the angles and sight lines and don't be stupid about it by flaunting yourself and trying to be seen. That's what gives us a bad name.
Remember: More people think like you think than you think!