RE:Driving in the Nude

yeah, once. only a short drive, maybe about 30 minutes but, i went all around through town. it was very late at night during a pouring rain. the truck i had at the time was pretty tall and the windows were tinted very very dark. i had no fear. but, funny that the only car i did see WAS a police cruiser. of all the damned times! so strange how that happens. but, he was pretty far behind me and turned off quick enough. i didn't even have clothes with me in the truck either. it was such a spur of the moment thing haha

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RE:Driving in the Nude

Never have but have driven in just a speedo solar so I assume some people thought I was.

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RE:Driving in the Nude

More times when driving a golf cart, only once in a car.

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RE:Driving in the Nude

I drove nude to a nude beach. About 20 miles including freeway driving. I loved it

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RE:Driving in the Nude

I tried it last time at the resort. It was much more enjoyable walking around naked and socializing with the locals, than the driving naked was. I even stopped the truck to talk to fellow naturists. Perhaps it might be different had I driven the freeway, however there would be no social interaction inside the vehicle.

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RE:Driving in the Nude

It's not long ago, I went nude fishing. The fishing place was 50km away from home. I left all my clothes at home and started at 10am. I drove the car through busy villages and tourist areas. Then, I was fishing for several hours. I met several hikers. Some wanted to know, if the fih bite. But hey didn't. At 3 pm I went back home.

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RE:Driving in the Nude

I have done some fairly long distance driving of about 3 1/2 hours and some where it is about 10 minuets each way nude.

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RE:Nude in the convertible :)

The nude convertible ride is exhilarating . I drove over the mountains from Los Angeles, nude with the top down. All was well until I caught up with traffic in a looong no passing zone. I was aparently able to pass the line with out notice. The cause of the line was a slow moving forestry fire crew truck. Since our speed was low and we were going uphill, it took a long time to pass the truck. I felt exposed then. Otherwise, it was great fun in the rural areas.

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RE:Driving in the Nude

Love to drive nude. I had reason to make numerous trips from Los Angeles to Phoenix this summer and did as much as I could nude. It was awkward getting dressed for coffee stops. At first I covered up going through ICE and agriculture stops. But after realizing they didn't stop people with California plates, I didn't bother at all. For pit stops I usually looked for empty exits. Went through the fast food drive through a couple of times. One time the server switched from a male to a female. It seemed like she wanted to check it out. I stopped after that.
Skinny dipping in the river was a fun part of each trip.

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RE:Driving in the Nude

So what was the out come of the officer encounter?

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