RE:Driving in the Nude

This past week I drove from Florida to Ohio bottomless in only a t-shirt. I started out before sunrise both morning totally nude but with all the traffic abd construction I decided on bottomless in daylight.Why wear the shirt?While I don't drive nude, I usually drive shirtless when the weather is warm enough.

I think i mentioned in my post because of construction and traffic. I'm not an exhibitionist. But do like as much freedom as I can get while driving.

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RE:Driving in the Nude

Got back into my routine of driving nude most days. It was cold and grey here for most of May and though I still drove around town 1/2 naked, while running errands, it's just not the same as being completely nude while driving. It's warmed up considerably and this weekend, we will be in the low 100's in our valley.One of the things I hope I'm able to do is drive my new Jeep naked with the top off! Without a top, I'll have to be aware of higher profile vehicles like trucks and buses.

I drive a moderately low convertible which is why I don't drive nude. I would rather have the top off and shorts (but nothing else) on than the other way around.
Not daring enough to drive naked with the top down.
Let us know if it works out for you.

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RE:Driving in the Nude

I've done that drive. Like you I started out before dawn, due to the inevitable construction delays I hit Atlanta just prior to rush hour. I just threw a towel over my lap when I passed the cops at a walking pace. 14 hour drive and only dressed for breaks.

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RE:Driving in the Nude

I love to drive /travel nude. I have graduated to storing my clothes in the back of my delivery truck. So to access them I must get out and walk around to the rear and open the large roll up door. Makes for challenging times in the city! However I have pulled in for fuel several times and found myself just five feet away from the next fuel patron with great results! Most of them are oblivious to this as they are always busy on their device! Can't wait for the next trip to New Orleans this Friday!

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RE: Driving in the Nude

Next time I go to the beach, I think I will drive my convertible with the top down and wear only a tan through swim brief. Feeling of driving nude without the risk.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

Next time I go to the beach, I think I will drive my convertible with the top down and wear only a tan through swim brief. Feeling of driving nude without the risk.

I would have called that the appearance of driving nude without the freedom.
I'd prefer to do it in a lightweight cotton wrap like the one pictured here.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

Next time I go to the beach, I think I will drive my convertible with the top down and wear only a tan through swim brief. Feeling of driving nude without the risk.I would have called that the appearance of driving nude without the freedom.I'd prefer to do it in a lightweight cotton wrap like the one pictured here.

While your suggestion would also have the feeling of driving nude without actually being nude, I find that Kiniki tan though swimwear is so light that I hardly notice that I am wearing anything!

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RE:Driving in the Nude


I hear you about driving nude in these temps. I have driven nude to the gym in the early morning and I stick to the seats. Well my back does. I usually park far enough away that it is not obvious I am getting dressed.

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.RE:Driving in the Nude

I try to drive as much as I can. I work 2d shift in a town about an hour from my house, about once a week I drop the steel toe boots and jeans for gym clothes and flip flops. Once I leave the company property I pull over, strip down and just drive for a couple of hours with the sun roof open and the windows down. Makes life worth living

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RE:Driving in the Nude

I did it for the first time this past Sunday night. I was making the 110 mile trip home from the weekend house. It was dark and I was driving my pick up, not my car. It felt great! It was all highway travel with very little street lights. The only ones that might have seen me would have been the trucks or buses that I passed, but I didn't care. The wind blowing in the windows felt good on every part of my body. I think I might try it in the car some time. Or maybe tint the windows for a day trip.

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