Jamaica - non-resort options?

I already know about most of the very expensive resort options in Jamaica but in the new year, I'm going for three weeks and intend to spend two of those weeks travelling around staying in guesthouses/hostels. Has anyone found naturist options outside of the big resorts? Maybe you rented something through VRBO or Air BnB that had a secluded enough garden for sunbathing? Maybe you found a beach somewhere that was used by naturists? Or maybe you found naturist hosts on Couchsurfing? If you have travelled independently in Jamaica and have any suggestions I'd love to hear them.

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RE: Jamaica - non-resort options?

Should I take this silence to mean that no one has ever left a resort???

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RE: Jamaica - non-resort options?

Wish we could help but .... we've never been to Jamaica! Hope someone can help you with this info. Have a great trip and be safe!

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RE: Jamaica - non-resort options?

Try Googling - Jamaica - non-resort options

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RE: Jamaica - non-resort options?

Haven't actually stayed at one but since our favorite resort in Jamaica, N Resort, closed we've looked into other options and have found a few. We looked at various properties through VBRO and then sent queries asking if they could/would accommodate nudists. Some responded that the outdoor and beach area were not private and would not really work but quiet a few others responded positively as in 'No problem mon'. Doesn't hurt to ask. Worst they can do is say no.

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RE: Jamaica - non-resort options?

Try Googling - Jamaica - non-resort optionsGive me a bit of credit ... I have already done that and not found anything which is why I'm reaching out to the naturist community at large. I thought someone here might have come up with a solution or had a friend in Jamaica who gave them some pointers.

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RE: Jamaica - non-resort options?

Haven't actually stayed at one but since our favorite resort in Jamaica, N Resort, closed we've looked into other options and have found a few. We looked at various properties through VBRO and then sent queries asking if they could/would accommodate nudists. Some responded that the outdoor and beach area were not private and would not really work but quiet a few others responded positively as in 'No problem mon'. Doesn't hurt to ask. Worst they can do is say no.
Has N-Resort closed? That's a shame. It is still coming up in the searches but it's outside my budget so I hadn't made any serious inquiries. Firefly is long gone and Grand Lido has gone textile so the options are narrowing. My next step will be to randomly select some rentals in my price range and email to ask whether there is a place I can sunbathe and if it would be acceptable. As a woman alone I always prefer to have referrals from other travellers before I strip down but it can't hurt to ask. Thanks. :-)

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RE: Jamaica - non-resort options?

Has N-Resort closed? That's a shame. It is still coming up in the searches but it's outside my budget so I hadn't made any serious inquiries. Firefly is long gone and Grand Lido has gone textile so the options are narrowing. My next step will be to randomly select some rentals in my price range and email to ask whether there is a place I can sunbathe and if it would be acceptable. As a woman alone I always prefer to have referrals from other travellers before I strip down but it can't hurt to ask. Thanks. :-)N closed about a year and a half ago. They originally said they were doing renovations but since then it has been sold with no plans from the new owners.
Grand Lido is also close at this time as it is now being totally redone and will reopen at some point as the Royalton Negril. There has been no announcement one way or another as to the status of the clothing optional beach/side of the resort. We stayed there in Sept 2013 and it was in desperate need of a major overhaul at that time not being nearly as nice as when we stayed there in 98, 99, and 00.
At this point when time and money permit we are looking at Club Orient and Hidden Beach or possibly Intima. Of course as I noted earlier we are also considering finding something in Jamaica through VBRO.

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RE: Jamaica - non-resort options?

Try Googling - Jamaica - non-resort optionsGive me a bit of credit ... I have already done that and not found anything which is why I'm reaching out to the naturist community at large. I thought someone here might have come up with a solution or had a friend in Jamaica who gave them some pointers.You don't have to be an asshole about it. You asked for suggestions. I offered one. How the hell could I have known what you had already done?

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RE: Jamaica - non-resort options?

Try poking around at Travel Talk Online: traveltalkonline.com/forums/ubbthreads.php
They are a pretty active forum with lots of regular visitors to the islands contributing.

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RE: Jamaica - non-resort options?

Try poking around at Travel Talk Online: traveltalkonline.com/forums/ubbthreads.phpThey are a pretty active forum with lots of regular visitors to the islands contributing.That's a very helpful suggestion so I thank you for it. I have managed to find one naturist Couchsurfing host near Ochos Rios and may turn up a few others in the months to come but I'll check out that forum.

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