RE:Shaved or unshaved pubes for females?

I personally prefer shaved or trimmed. Full bush women are alright. I would never try to talk someone into doing anything uncomfortable to them.

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RE:Shaved or unshaved pubes for females?

Shaved for females.

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RE:Shaved or unshaved pubes for females?

My wife prefers to shave, and I love it that way

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RE:Shaved or unshaved pubes for females?

Shaved, 100% shaved!!!

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RE:Shaved or unshaved pubes for females?

Always shaved

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RE:Shaved or unshaved pubes for females?

I keep mine smooth and prefer smooth on others but pubes wouldn't be a deal breaker for me. Each to their own.
Waxed smooth always and my partner too

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RE:Shaved or unshaved pubes for females?

Hairy! The more hairy the better!!!!

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RE:Shaved or unshaved pubes for females?

If I had to choose one I would choose unshaved but then that might be more of a male way of thinking, always find unshaved offers a mysterios delight underneath, but at the end of the day I love every part of the female anatomy. As a member of a naturist club it is fancinating to see photos takem across the years, females in the 50's, 60's and before and after these years ALWAYS have bushes, natural in fact. Females shaving is more of a 'recent' thing to do!! Bernie

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RE:Shaved or unshaved pubes for females?

Looks better? Either can be attractive.
Most people have answered from personal experience, so they are saying "feels better" if shaved or perhaps "looks more natural" if a bush.

With either a beard or a pubic area, the thing that is not desirable for intimacy is stubble. A Don Johnson stubble look may be attractive to "look" at, but far less desirable for necking and kissing, or even bobbing around the mons pubis.

To keep the pubic area smooth really requires a daily commitment, (like a beard), unless you have laser or waxing, but even those are a big commitment to maintenance. I read than men's pubic area is much harder to maintain smooth than a woman's due to the hair type, but this likely varies with each person.

What does not "look" attractive is red pimples and aggravated skin from shaving on either sex.
Admittedly it is nice to avoid the loose hair in the mouth syndrome, but that's why they are curly, so they are easy to extract! A trimmed but still hairy minge reduces the teeth catching and removing a hair and is the best of both worlds.

Apparently the purpose of the hair was as a defence against teeth when early hominids and apes fought viciously, so the hair is supposed to impede teeth. Thinking back, the hair was never too much of an impediment to cunnilingus and it was all worth it in the end.

Modern commentators say the bare look is actually less hygienic as the hair does form a buffer between the skin when bashing pubic bones, and also skin on skin (especially if recently shaved) is actually a great vector for transmission of internal and external nasties. Admittedly pubic lice are out of a home, so if you live in shared beds or close quarters this could be a consideration, but not the whole answer as you can still get scabies under the skin. Again only part of the story, as other parts are sharing surfaces and secretions.

The downer is, if you change your mind, it's shear hell to go through the itchy growing out phase.
Another consideration is, similar to beards, people may wish to change their profile view, or hide a scar, but in addition, also hide long lips, wonky balls, crooked scrotal raphe, or try to stop the scrotal skin adhering to the thighs. There could be all manner of comfort reasons, or even the joy of standing in a breeze and having the wind give you the most gentle tickle between the legs imaginable. Hair may allow better cooling by evaporating sweat, or if clothed, stopping the fabric from getting clammy on wet skin.

Try it, see what you like, but don't judge it.

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RE:Shaved or unshaved pubes for females?

Or a shorter version:

Whatever a woman wants to do is OK by me.

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