RE: Interesting

how 'bout this:
WANTED: A good man!Someone to share my life with. Must be intelligent, able to hold a decent conversation, kind, caring and giving, with a good sense of humor. He shoulddress decentlyfor whatever the occasion but mainly be a jeans kinda guyandshould havegood hygiene. I need someone who is able togive love as well asreceiveit. Someone who likes to cuddle andspoon. Someone who likes to be touched. He should want to spend time with me, but have interests of his own, too. Someone who likes spending time at home but also likes to get out, do things and enjoy life. Must love to travel and experience new people and cultures. Looks aren't the most important thing but I am attracted to anicely shaved cock and balls and what a man looks like from the rear. And ideally,someone whoenjoys making love and trying new things.

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RE: Interesting

I think as we age, a lot of us considerexperimenting more in our sexual lives as possibilities in our quest for pleasure and satisfaction. We've done the "normal" stuff and expanded on it as we've matured and grown and maybe have gotten to the point where we are looking for more... something different, more exciting, unexpected. We begin to think a little outside the box and fantasize more. And there are those of us who are willing to take those fantasies into reality if we find the right partner... someone we're comfortable with and trust. And what really gets our attention? For most, it is probably the things that have always been a bit forbidden... things that are just a bit more "out there" than most people traditionally feel comfortable with. For some that could be something as simple as going to a nudist resort or having anal sex for the first time. For others, it may require experiencinga threesome, foursome or group encounter, orinteraction with someone of the same sex. Others will find those things bland and need to take things a bit further. You just never know what that nice man next door with the 3 grandchildren and a gardenmight be into. But basically, as long as it is between consenting adults, who is to judge?We are who we are and as long as you're not hurting anyone, so be it.

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RE: fave part...

sorry! you're picture didn't post. if you check down thru the topics of discussion in this group, you'll find directions on how to post a pic. good luck next time. :)

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RE: fave part...

Hey there,
Just joined this group and find it refreshing. Being male, and like Bxnanude, somewhat of an artist/photographer, I have always found the male form a beautiful thing. The female is beautiful with its sensuous curves, but the musculature of the male, spiraling down into itself is fascinating and sesuous as well. I tend to look at the whole deal. Nothing like a well proportioned male physique. I love a strong pair of legs coming together at a nice ass, supporting a widening back. A fit and trim torso is nice as well, continually pointing it's way down to the ultimate male feature. Being a man, I know all the wonderful feelings that another man's penis can give him, and that ties in to my appreciation of that. I also agree, with men as well as women, the face tells so much about that particular person. So, I guess thighs, ass, torso and penis would all be considered my favs.

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RE: fave part...

ah, a man to my own heart! you've described a man's attributes in perfect detail. i love it! :)

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RE: fave part...

For me, the males best part is his ass followed by nicely formed pecs and then his back. I am not much of a fan of washboard abs. I prefer the look of muscles formed by working to those formed by working out.
I have been told by enough people that I have a "cute" ass I am starting to believe it! Which leads me to the penis. One that is not too long, not too wide. Nicely proportioned to the man it is attached to. Cut or un-cut, they both have their own beuaties. And I prefer smooth to hairy.

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RE: fave part...

Having read your assessment of the male form, i must say, i have to agree with everything you said. i'm not really into washboard abs either but i do love a nice back and ass. as for Your ass, i haven't seen it yet, but i've found that if people are telling you it's nice, they're generally telling the truth and it IS!

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RE: Favorite parts...

Well as you know Betsy I too love the male form. You've seen my ass and have commented nicely about it. :) Next year I will attempt to get more shots so you can see more of it. :) I'm still working out not only for the looks but for my well being. Being this tall my joints weren't taking the extra weight all that well. Now that I've lost approx. 20 lbs. my knees feel so much better and have stopped protesting. :) My back well it's shot...
This is a great topic. To read through this and see how everyone is being honest no matter what sex they are or fear of slander is great. I've always admired the male body. Yes the female body is something shy of perfect but like you've said in your posts here about the male body it is amazing. And being I have one of those bodies I can't begin to describe to you some of the things you'd like to experience. For example while the cock gets hard at the most inappropriate times the feeling can be exhilerating at times. How it reacts to someone touching it just overloads the senses. When it's touched when soft and then instantly hardens is amazing in my opinion. It can be cold as hell out but after stepping out of a hot shower how the balls hang low and remain there for some time is amazing. The fact I no longer wear underwear so my sack hangs freely is exhilerating to say the least. I still get hard with the thought of it in fact. They balls are meant to hang and sway freely so they now do. To be amongst others who enjoy nudity is a thrill. To know they are looking at my "package" and commenting is a thrill. To be told I have a cute ass used to be embarrassing and would make my blush I'm getting to the point in my life now that I will thank them. :) People get a kick out of the dimples I have just at the point where the lower back and ass meet. You've seen it.. :)
I'm not a body builder by any means but after working out the last 1 or so and seeing the changes in my body and looking at it in the mirror is pleasing. Guys tend to think that a guy looking at another guy is gay. But if they would just shut that nude sexual thought process off and look at the male physique they would actually realize how good the male form looks. I think the fact we can't post erect penises here on TN is a bunch of bull.... Why not? It's part of the male body. Whole package is already on display so why not show the ENTIRE package? Soft or hard? And not just the guys cock and balls but front back side up down you get the point... I used to be shy and crawl into a hole when someone would see my naked. Hell you wanna look ask and I'll strip down! I don't care anymore. That's why I no longer wear underwear. It's the closest I can come to being naked while at work! lol
O.K. I could write more... I'll stop.. Love the male body. In all it's forms. Stop restricting life to "socially acceptable" things. Society is screwed up cuz of some prudes years ago who apparently wanted a boring life.... Remove your clothes and enjoy life like it should be!

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RE: Favorite parts...

as usual, Lucas, you have posted a very thoughtful and well-stated piece. anyone who expresses themself as well as you do is welcome to post here anytime. thanx for your thoughts and pictures; both are great.

your presence makes the forum a better place, Lucas. we're lucky to have you here. and i'm lucky to be able to call you my friend. thanx!

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RE: Favorite parts...

RE: Favorite parts...
3 weeks ago
Well as you know Betsy I too love the male form. You've seen
my ass and have commented nicely about it. :) Next year I will attempt
to get more shots so you can see more of it. :) I'm still working out
not only for the looks but for my well being. Being this tall my joints
weren't taking the extra weight all that well. Now that I've lost
approx. 20 lbs. my knees feel so much better and have stopped
protesting. :) My back well it's shot...
This is a great topic. To read through this and see how everyone is
being honest no matter what sex they are or fear of slander is great.
I've always admired the male body. Yes the female body is something shy
of perfect but like you've said in your posts here about the male body
it is amazing. And being I have one of those bodies I can't begin to
describe to you some of the things you'd like to experience. For
example while the cock gets hard at the most inappropriate times the
feeling can be exhilerating at times. How it reacts to someone touching
it just overloads the senses. When it's touched when soft and then
instantly hardens is amazing in my opinion. It can be cold as hell out
but after stepping out of a hot shower how the balls hang low and remain
there for some time is amazing. The fact I no longer wear underwear so
my sack hangs freely is exhilerating to say the least. I still get
hard with the thought of it in fact. They balls are meant to hang and
sway freely so they now do. To be amongst others who enjoy nudity is a
thrill. To know they are looking at my "package" and commenting is a
thrill. To be told I have a cute ass used to be embarrassing and would
make my blush I'm getting to the point in my life now that I will thank
them. :) People get a kick out of the dimples I have just at the point
where the lower back and ass meet. You've seen it.. :)
I'm not a body builder by any means but after working out the last 1 or
so and seeing the changes in my body and looking at it in the mirror is
pleasing. Guys tend to think that a guy looking at another guy is gay.
But if they would just shut that nude sexual thought process off and
look at the male physique they would actually realize how good the male
form looks. I think the fact we can't post erect penises here on TN is a
bunch of bull.... Why not? It's part of the male body. Whole package
is already on display so why not show the ENTIRE package? Soft or
hard? And not just the guys cock and balls but front back side up down
you get the point... I used to be shy and crawl into a hole when
someone would see my naked. Hell you wanna look ask and I'll strip
down! I don't care anymore. That's why I no longer wear underwear.
It's the closest I can come to being naked while at work! lol
O.K. I could write more... I'll stop.. Love the male body. In all
it's forms. Stop restricting life to "socially acceptable" things.
Society is screwed up cuz of some prudes years ago who apparently wanted
a boring life.... Remove your clothes and enjoy life like it should

It's great to read something that was obviously written with a lot of sincerity, emotion and fervor for the male form and the nudist lifestyle. Anyone who is a committed nudist or naturist can identify and would agree with the admiration you express for the male physique and the over all exhuberance you have for the nude lifestyle. We all hope that some day people will not only understand our enthusiasm for the lifestyle but will also see the naked human form as the beautiful thing it is rather than just attaching sexuality to it and seeing it as something bad or wrong. Thanx for contributing to the group. You're welcome to express yourself here anytime. The more the merrier!

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