Top 10 tips eco to go

Top 10 tips eco to go

1. Change a light: replacing one regular light bulb with a compact flurescent light bulb will save 150 pounds of Co2 each year

2. Drive less: walk, bike,car pool or take public transport more often. We will all save one mile of Co2 for every mile we dont drive

3. Recycle more: we can save 2,400 pounds of caron dioxide per year by recycling just half of your household waste.

4. Check our tyres: keeping our car tyres inflated can improve fuel consumption by more than 3%. Every 4.5 litres of fuel saved keeps 20 pounds of Co2 out of the atmosphere.

5. Use less hot water: as it takes alot of energy. Use less hot water by installing a low flow showerhead. (350 pounds of C02 saved per year) and washing your clothes in cold or warm water (500 pounds saved per year).

6. Avoid products with lots of packaging: we can save 1.200 pounds of carbon dioxide if we cut our waste by 10%

7. Adjusting the thermostat: moving our thermostat just 2 degrees in winter and up 2 degrees in summer. We can save about 2,000 pounds of Co2 each year with this simple adjustment.

8. Plant a tree: a single tree will absorb one ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime.

9. Turn off electronic devices: by simply turning off our televsions, dvd players, stereos and computers when we are not using them will save us all thousands of pounds in C02 a year.

Reference: Al Gore, An Inconvenient Truth, 2006.

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