Nudist Ethics

about the ethics surrounding nudism and naturism? When is it ok to be nude? Are anti-nude laws unethical? What about public nudity and people saying
they dont want to have to explain things to their kids if they happen to see a

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RE: Nudist Ethics

I think it's ok to be nude anytime you're not invading someone else's space or intentionally going out of your way to offend someone. And that would NOT include someone who "heard" there was a naked person on the beach or someone who is peeping over your privacy fence with a pair of binoculars. The world is getting smaller and humanity has no choice but to become more tolerant of others as well as more respectful of other's sensibilities. If we can accomplish that on our planet in the next 50 years, maybe we can deal with the standing room only situation we'll have at that point.
I think we have more than enough laws. Some ethical, some not so much, and some simply bizarre. But the problem is the way we enforce them. Simple nudity is seldom illegal anywhere. But sometimes it seems that law enforcement is intent on getting a conviction for it, even if they have to trump up some unrelated charge (i.e.simple nudity considered disturbing the peace?? You gotta be kiddin'!)
What I don't understand is, with all the thousands of miles of beaches we have in the USA, why is so little of that space reserved for clothing optional use? Seems extremely lopsided to me.
I don't have kids so I'm trying to remember what my parents explained to me about seeing someone naked. My parents weren't nudists but, basically, nudity seemed to be a ho-hum non issue with them. So I took it as a non-issue as well. However, as an adult, I did overhear my mother and her sister (in their eighties) reminiscing about their childhood and giggling about the times they would go skinny dipping in the bayou on the way home from school. Apparently they did that a LOT! lol!

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