Is it to late?

Just wonder if its to late to go to Cap de Agde now?When does it Close there?Maria

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RE: Is it to late?

When I was there in August there were signs that at least parts of it would stay open into October. But the weather starts to cool down in the south of France. Why not try Vera Playa in the south of Spain, being much further south its summer is longer.It too is a big nudist village but without the sexy side that exists in Cap d'Agde. And for year-round sun and warmth there is Charco del Palo in Lanzarote - another nudist village, smaller again.

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RE: Is it to late?

When I was there in August there were signs that at least parts of it would stay open into October. But the weather starts to cool down in the south of France. Why not try Vera Playa in the south of Spain, being much further south its summer is longer.It too is a big nudist village but without the sexy side that exists in Cap d'Agde. And for year-round sun and warmth there is Charco del Palo in Lanzarote - another nudist village, smaller again.Thank u for information.Perhaps better to wait for next year then to go to Cap de Agde.Its important thats its not to Cold yes.Does this Place u suggest have any homesite? Happy if u can help me with that.//Maria

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RE: Is it to late?

Hi Maria,the last week of september they dismantle all the restaurants on the beach. All shoppings will be closed. As from october, Cap d'Agde is a ghost town. So, it's better to wait till next summer. From June till September it's heaven on earth there. When you go the last two weeks of July, you can meet me there :-)Nude hugs,Joe xIncluded a picture of me in Cap d'Agde (camping renee oltra) some months ago...I have worked all summer and now had the Money to goto Cap de Agde,but when u write its a ghost Town I will wait.If I go in july I promise to tell u.Maria

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RE: Is it to late?

When I was there in August there were signs that at least parts of it would stay open into October. But the weather starts to cool down in the south of France. Why not try Vera Playa in the south of Spain, being much further south its summer is longer.It too is a big nudist village but without the sexy side that exists in Cap d'Agde. And for year-round sun and warmth there is Charco del Palo in Lanzarote - another nudist village, smaller again.Thank u for information.Perhaps better to wait for next year then to go to Cap de Agde.Its important thats its not to Cold yes.Does this Place u suggest have any homesite? Happy if u can help me with that.//Maria
I agree with what Olly said, much of Cap d'Agde tends to close down at this time of year. The other two places he suggests will still be warmer and probably have more to do. Charco del Polo will be warm enough to be nude outside most of the year because the Canary islands are much further south. I've been to all three places and enjoyed them all, I'm the sort of nudist who likes to remain nude all the time I'm there. I go to places like this because I like the freedom to wander around naked everywhere, eating out and shopping while nude isn't something I can enjoy doing all of the time and its fun to holiday somewhere that nudity is accepted everywhere.

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RE: Is it to late?

When I was there in August there were signs that at least parts of it would stay open into October. But the weather starts to cool down in the south of France. Why not try Vera Playa in the south of Spain, being much further south its summer is longer.It too is a big nudist village but without the sexy side that exists in Cap d'Agde. And for year-round sun and warmth there is Charco del Palo in Lanzarote - another nudist village, smaller again.Thank u for information.Perhaps better to wait for next year then to go to Cap de Agde.Its important thats its not to Cold yes.Does this Place u suggest have any homesite? Happy if u can help me with that.//Maria
I agree with what Olly said, much of Cap d'Agde tends to close down at this time of year. The other two places he suggests will still be warmer and probably have more to do. Charco del Polo will be warm enough to be nude outside most of the year because the Canary islands are much further south. I've been to all three places and enjoyed them all, I'm the sort of nudist who likes to remain nude all the time I'm there. I go to places like this because I like the freedom to wander around naked everywhere, eating out and shopping while nude isn't something I can enjoy doing all of the time and its fun to holiday somewhere that nudity is accepted everywhere.
Thank u but I couldnt open those sites of some reason.Im a new nudist so not so used to go naked all the time but like to be with other nudists and meet new friends.

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RE: Is it to late?

If u want to travel with someone I am interested, never been to Cap de Agde.//JaanaId love a travel partner to any of the nudist villages around the world next year or the year after!!

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RE: Is it to late?

When I was there in August there were signs that at least parts of it would stay open into October. But the weather starts to cool down in the south of France. Why not try Vera Playa in the south of Spain, being much further south its summer is longer.It too is a big nudist village but without the sexy side that exists in Cap d'Agde. And for year-round sun and warmth there is Charco del Palo in Lanzarote - another nudist village, smaller again.Thank u for information.Perhaps better to wait for next year then to go to Cap de Agde.Its important thats its not to Cold yes.Does this Place u suggest have any homesite? Happy if u can help me with that.//Maria
I agree with what Olly said, much of Cap d'Agde tends to close down at this time of year. The other two places he suggests will still be warmer and probably have more to do. Charco del Polo will be warm enough to be nude outside most of the year because the Canary islands are much further south. I've been to all three places and enjoyed them all, I'm the sort of nudist who likes to remain nude all the time I'm there. I go to places like this because I like the freedom to wander around naked everywhere, eating out and shopping while nude isn't something I can enjoy doing all of the time and its fun to holiday somewhere that nudity is accepted everywhere.
Thank u but I couldnt open those sites of some reason.Im a new nudist so not so used to go naked all the time but like to be with other nudists and meet new friends.
The links work OK for me if I copy and past them into the address bar of the browser.
The 'link' button shown when making a reply here doesn't work for me.
I hope that I didn't give the impression that at all three places you would be expected to be nude all of the time. I believe Cap d'Agde beach is nude only, but it is clothing optional elsewhere and some places prefer you to wear something at night. Though I think you might find that after being at Cap d'Agde for a while you might find yourself joining the thousands of other nude people, if only because everyone else is nude and clothed people might look a bit unusual amongst so many nudists. It is a fantastic experience to be surrounded by so many other nudists and it is very easy to get used to it being very normal that everyone is naked, with everyone being relaxed and comfortable about being naked with so many other like-minded people.
Other new nudists I've spoken to at Cap d'Agde, or after their visits to it, have said it is so easy to be nude when so many other people are naked and very comfortable that way. If for no other reason than to experience life with so many other nudists I'd recommend going there at least once to anyone who is serious about trying different nudist experiences. I've never had any problem getting to know people there and remain friends with nudists I met there.
I have not been there for several years, discussing it here reminds me why I love being somewhere that nudity is normal and being able to remain naked all of the time I'm there, I might have to make another trip there, thanks for the idea!

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RE: Is it to late?

Try Chalfont Holidays. They specialise in nudist holidays and are sponsors of BN (British Naturism - the UK national nudist organisation). I know they do holidays at Charco del Palo (and in Fuerteventura and Gran Canaria). Their website is . For Vera Playa you can find some in the Vera Playa group here on TN

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RE: Is it to late?

To rent appartments and opened shops: one can be there until the weekend of October 16th.

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RE: Is it to late?

To rent appartments and opened shops: one can be there until the weekend of October 16th.Yes u mean this weekend or the last weekend of october?

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