Hippe Hollow

Has anyone ever visited Hippie Hollow near Austin, Texas? The park looks beautiful, but the shoreline looks rocky, and I don't see a beach of any size. What is your impression of the place, and how are temperatures there in the fall and winter?
Please friend me and follow the Texas Naturists groups here and on Facebook. I look forward to your feedback.

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RE: Hippe Hollow

Has anyone ever visited Hippie Hollow near Austin, Texas? The park looks beautiful, but the shoreline looks rocky, and I don't see a beach of any size. What is your impression of the place, and how are temperatures there in the fall and winter?Please friend me and follow the Texas Naturists groups here and on Facebook. I look forward to your feedback.Thanks!Although it's been a while since we were there we loved HH. You are correct in that the shoreline is rocky. More like huge boulders. There is no beach. Be advised the water is DEEP (as in no bottom lol) when you step off the rocks. So make sure you're a good swimmer. Everybody we met there were friendly. We were there in the fall each time we were there and the weather was warm enough to swim. Go. You won't regret it.

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RE: Hippe Hollow

we loved it been there several times

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RE: Hippe Hollow

Has anyone ever visited Hippie Hollow near Austin, Texas? The park looks beautiful, but the shoreline looks rocky, and I don't see a beach of any size. What is your impression of the place, and how are temperatures there in the fall and winter?Please friend me and follow the Texas Naturists groups here and on Facebook. I look forward to your feedback.Thanks!Although it's been a while since we were there we loved HH. You are correct in that the shoreline is rocky. More like huge boulders. There is no beach. Be advised the water is DEEP (as in no bottom lol) when you step off the rocks. So make sure you're a good swimmer. Everybody we met there were friendly. We were there in the fall each time we were there and the weather was warm enough to swim. Go. You won't regret it.

Thank you so much for the information. The lake and the park look beautiful, and I'm sure I'll check it out. I may actually move down that way at the end of the school year, if I can convince my wife to do so. I am an excellent swimmer, actually. I was a lifeguard and swimming instructor for years. I'm about to start getting back into the pool at a local gym here, so I can strengthen and increase the flexibility in my joints to swim well.
Is the whole park or a particular area nudist, like for walking and hiking, or is it just the rocky shoreline?

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RE: Hippe Hollow

Not a 'beach' rocky water levels back to normal after many years in drought. Legal so nice not to have to worry. Gawkers there just like any nude location. Bring a lounger or air mattress to lay on. Costs about $10 for a visit. The onlypark in TX that has a surcharge for season pass holders. :(

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RE: Hippe Hollow

I'm looking forward to going there soon before the weather changes too cold for swimming.

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RE: Hippe Hollow

]Is the whole park or a particular area nudist, like for walking and hiking, or is it just the rocky shoreline?You can walk around all the paths in the park nude. Make sure you put clothes on before you go back into the parking area.

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RE: Hippe Hollow

Currently, it's $15 per vehicle to enter the park. If you're going
to go 10+ times in a year, then you're better off to by an annual
pass for $100 and you'll then have to pay $5/vehicle for each
visit. You have to be out of the parking lot and onto the path
before you're allowed to go nude. Once nude, there are no clothing
restrictions for the rest of the park. The vast majority of folks
hang out between the 1st and 2nd restrooms. This is where you'll
find the most flat rocky area to lay out; it also provides easy
entry into the water. You can bring in food, drink, etc. but you
have to keep any alcoholic beverages 'hidden.' Basically, put your
can in a koozie. And don't bring in any glass. Be respectful of
others, don't take any pictures (of others) without their
permission, and have a good time. Also, keep it clean -- don't get
frisky with your partner or you can get in legal trouble with the
Rangers, etc. While you can get away with just a towel, you may
want something more padded to lay out on the rocks. And it's always
nice to have a raft/float for just chilling out in the water.
Flip-flops are likely not enough for most folks to navigate the
rocks down to the water. It's suggested that you wear something
more (rock) appropriate like strapped sandals, tennis shoes, etc. I
also recommend you wear said footwear in the water too as there's
pretty much nothing but tiny to huge rocks under the water along
with a few plants/branches. The lake water level was extremely low
for many years but we got some great rains in May 2015 that brought
the lake level up to just about 10 feet shy of being full. So
getting down to the water is now just a very short trek off of the
path. While it's open year-round, to each his/her own when it comes
to swimming. Some of us can handle colder water and some cannot.
You'll likely have a pretty good steady breeze too being on a big
lake. Here's a map that shows the various stairwells that lead down
to the rocky shore, etc. You can get an idea of the park size by
the map scale bar. The path is a very wide concrete sidewalk lined
by trees, rocks, etc that snakes above the shoreline. It makes for
a nice walk down and back up.


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RE: Hippe Hollow

This is years out of date, but my 2 cents. I toured Texas while on a recruiting trip for work back in Feb 1998. One of my highlightswas spending a weekday afternoon on a warmer than normal day for that time of year at HH. Fun to wander nude along the shoreand not have a care in the world that I would get in trouble for doing it.

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RE: Hippe Hollow

Hi. When is it start to cool off there. As I am in the far north I am planning a trip close by there either in the spring or fall. I know it gets hot there in the summer. Might have to try that out also. Thanks.

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RE: Hippe Hollow

Luckily this last year we got lots of rain and the lake is almost full. You no longer need climbing gear to get to the water level. (I am only slightly exaggerating). It is not bad, but true, there is no sandy beachhead to be found. There have been people get seriously injured slipping and falling. You need to wear shoes to get to the water, but once there, on a hot summer day it is very refreshing! Even better if you come by boat (no rock climbing).
Stay Naked!

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