Hi just joined today ! Awesome ....
Hello and welcome to a great community
- 15 years ago
Hope i can be brave enough to show all and my face xxxx
The *true* nudists among us will be more interested in your face, than showing all.
No different than any textile venue. ( though I do understand the fashion competition women seem to engage in )
- 15 years ago
I want to thank everyone for the warm welcome. In the past few weeks I have found many new nude friends here, I have been welcomed warmly, and over all I have found me experience here a great success. I am grateful for all who have befriended me here and helped me get comfortable. Hopefully I can return the favor to others, and be as good a friend as some have been to me. I am working on getting certified in the near future. Thank you all again for your kindness.
- 15 years ago
Hello and welcome to this wonderful site
- 15 years ago
Hi and welcome to a great site
- 15 years ago
Hope i can be brave enough to show all and my face xxxx
Bravery has nothing to do with it or "flashing" - nudism is not about seeing or being seen. It's about de-stressing, relaxing, and getting back to innocense. It's about accepting yourself and others for who you are, how you act, and what you say rather than what you look like, own, or wear.
- 15 years ago
- 15 years ago
Welcome. I also joined just two days ago. I hope to make some new friends.
I hope you enjoy your stay
- 15 years ago
Welcome to a very friendly site.
- 15 years ago
And welcome back to you also Randy
- 15 years ago