My Nudist World

I have been a nudist for over 15 years but most of that time has been spent in my backyard. My yard is about 5000 sq.ft. and it issurrounded on 3 sides (west, south, and east) by a 6 ft. high fence. The north side of the yard has the house and the west side has thedetached garage. The house and garage are connected by a breezeway (it has sort of a roof and prevents one from getting wet when going from the garage to the house). I have a chaise lounge with cushions which I positioned under the breezewayin the corner between the garage, the west fence, and the house. This is where I have my morning coffee. I planted 6 Oleander bushes along two sides (west and south) of the fence last year to provide additional privacy. So far, they have reached a height of 8-10 feet. When fully grown they will reach a height of 15to 20 ft. In the middle of the yard is a swimming pool that takes up about 3000 sq. ft. and holds about 25,000 gallons of water and it is about 5-7 ft. deep. The ground around the pool is covered in a terrazzo like surface consisting and very small pebbles and cement. This provides a non-slip surface. In two corners (north-west and south-east) of the yard are very large bushes which are about 20 ft. high and the third corner (south-west) has a very large magnolia tree which is about 50-60 feet high.My house is two-stories high and there are 3 other two story houses (east, west, and south) that have a view of my entire yard. I feel as if I live in a fish bowl. All three houses have blinds which over the last 14 years have been either fully open, fully closed, or in between. Consequently, over the years I have to be on high alert not to be seen. This really takes the fun out of being nude in my own backyard. My house is what in Texas is called a Subdivision which hasa Homeowner's Association (HOA). TheHOA can sue you or have you evicted if there are any complaints against you or your property. Therefore, I feared any complaints from my neighbors. In this neighborhood because of the hot weather most people stay in their houses or in their yards if they have a pool. So I very rarely see them and if I do see them it is basically hello and goodbye. We know nothing about each other. The other situation I have had is my wife. My wife is very uptight about nudity. She doesn't even like me to see her naked (is she hiding a giant tattoo, LOL) So when I started to be nude in my yard, I had to watch out for her! In the beginning, I had to wait for her to go out and then get naked. Over the past14+ years, If she saw me nude she would treat me as if I a weirdo, a crazy person, shame me, and tried very hard to make feel guilty. However, I persisted.2015 my year of freedom!! This year my two neighbors (west and south) have kept their blinds tightly shut, did they see me nude this year or in the past? My neighbor to my south has a tree whose branches partially obscure two of itsthree windows (third window had its blinds closed) and I had been sneaking naked between the house and the pool. Did they see me naked? My wife, after all these years, has given up. I wear shorts, with no underwear, in the house and in the yard it's "Don't Ask Don't Tell". I have been sleeping naked for 15+ years. My neighbor to the east has their blinds wide open so they can 60% of my yard. During this summer, I went upstairs in my house which I hardly ever do and glanced in the yard of neighbor to the east. Lo and Behold, Wonder of wonders, there is my neighbor floating Naked!!! in his pool with his wife (in 1950's bathing suit) swimming next to him. Now I have complete privacy in my yard. If he can be naked so can I!! Just to be sure, after having seen my neighbor naked several times, I went over to his backyard while he was in the pool. The entrance to his yard has a 3 ft. high fence with a wooden gate. So I stood at his fence (made sure his wife was not around) and while he was floating on his raft, I called his name. Well he almost had a stroke, he leapt off his raft and got all flustered. I in turn opened his fence gate and stood in front of him totally nakedand said "I am a nudist just like you". Therefore, that problem is solved. I saw him recently but it was "Hello and Goodbye". Maybe sometime in the future we can swim together. I guess I can dream.

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RE: My Nudist World

After the incident of discoveringmy neighbor naked in his pool, I essentially came out as a 100% nudist. After joining TN in 2010 and not filling in any profile information or pictures at that time, I got re-involved in TN. I now have a profile with pictures, I have joined discussion groups, and I even made 1 friend. I'm Out There Baby and I'm Lovin' IT!!!!!!!

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RE: My Nudist World

P.S. I made paragraphs but they didn't come out. My many apologies.

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RE: My Nudist World

NO apologies necessary. Sounds like a nice adventure.

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RE: My Nudist World

RE: Freedom Lover - Thank You

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RE: My Nudist World

An interesting story, thanks for sharing. Your neighbour's reaction seems a bit odd, but you do mention that the neighbourhood was mostly a quick 'hi' in passing type place. Still the outcome is that you now feel freer to enjoy your yard and pool the best way, nude.
Even better is that you're open about being a nudist, that really does make life far easier. No need to worry about who knows you're a nudist, or who might see any nude photos you share. It always seems easier to make new nudist friends online when you're open and upfront, and when meeting new people at nudist places, when you've seen each other nude on here beforehand!
Being a nudist is a fantastic way to live, being open to all about being a nudist makes it easy to enjoy life naked with others.

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RE: My Nudist World

@solaris, can you meet him socially and give the TN site address?

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RE: My Nudist World

What an experience through the years ofhiding your self identity as a nudist until your acceptance to be a nudist 100% as you wrote. I can empathise with you with many parts of your story.I too have trouble formatting the replying to a topic. It only seams to let one write a continuous line after line with out paragraphs. I've even tried typing out****to fill the space to create a new paragraph which doesn't work either. It is frustrating because I like to write as properly as I can. Thank you for sharing.

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RE: My Nudist World

Even better is that you're open about being a nudist,that really does make life far easier. No need to worry about whoknows you're a nudist, or who might see any nude photos you share.It always seems easier to make new nudist friends online whenyou're open and upfront, and when meeting new people at nudistplaces, when you've seen each other nude on here beforehand!Being a nudist is a fantastic way to live, being open to all aboutbeing a nudist makes it easy to enjoy life naked withothers.
That is all SO true. I've found life so much easier since I started
telling everyone I'm a nudist. Nobody disapproves and I've made
some real nudist friends on the way.

BTW TN does reformat to destroy our paragraphs. Just go into edit
and redo the paragraph breaks with two return hits for each gap. It
gets accepted on edit.

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RE: My Nudist World

The way to add spacing format to a paragraph is to add an extra
Example to start on a new line add 2 line spaces as I did between
this line and the one above.

To get a clear line ie s paragraph break like I did for this
line use 3 linefeeds (returns).

Enjoyed your story and very surprised at the HOA aspect and control
the accociation hss over who lives thete and the rules you have to
One must ask to you own or rent the property where you

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RE: My Nudist World

Even better is that you're open about being a nudist,that really does make life far easier. No need to worry about whoknows you're a nudist, or who might see any nude photos you share.It always seems easier to make new nudist friends online whenyou're open and upfront, and when meeting new people at nudistplaces, when you've seen each other nude on here beforehand!Being a nudist is a fantastic way to live, being open to all aboutbeing a nudist makes it easy to enjoy life naked withothers.
That is all SO true. I've found life so much easier since I started
telling everyone I'm a nudist. Nobody disapproves and I've made
some real nudist friends on the way.

BTW TN does reformat to destroy our paragraphs. Just go into edit
and redo the paragraph breaks with two return hits for each gap. It
gets accepted on edit.

Thanks ollygrumps, the double spacing worked for editing
paragraphs. :)

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