When in Rome attitude

I have related before how thanks to the web, I host long distance bicyclist. This past week a young man texted me mid afternoon Wedsand asked if he could spend the night. Of course I said yes. He showed up just before I got home as it was getting dark.I introduced myself and gave him the layout of the house. THen excused myself to go the bathroom. I came out sans my pantsbut with a sweatshirt on. No comment from him, my profile clearly states I am a nudist and will be bare unless they have requested in advance that I dress. He had not. He ate the take out meal I had brought from the dinner I had been to. Then I suggested a soakin the hot tub. Just like that he was bare and we got in. That was the last time he wore clothes until when he pedaled awaysometime Friday AM. He needed and I offered a day of rest while I went to work on Thursday. When I got home he had taken advantage of the nice fall day to do some maintenance work on his bicycle outside and bare. He was just putting it back on the front porch in view of the road when I pulled in the driveway. Then we came in and prepared a meal did another soak and even swapped a massage. Wow someone as casual and daring about being bare as me!

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