Nuda Palooza this weekend

So who's going to the cove this weekend for the Nuda Palooza? I so wish i could go but the boys have a game on Saturday so i will be supporting them. Just curious how many on here go.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Nuda Palooza this weekend

We fly in from Boston on Thursday! Can't wait.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Nuda Palooza this weekend

Darn, wish I could be there this weekend!

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Nuda Palooza this weekend

Last night we took advantage of Nude Night at the Lakeside
Restaurant: anyone dining nude gets a free glass of wine with
dinner. Like you have to bribe nudists to be nude! There were only
a couple of people who didn't qualify for the free wine in the
restaurant. Today we might play Petanque or hang out
by the pool in the morning, then meet some friends who recently
moved down the street from CC for the afternoon pitch & putt
tournament - all in our birthday suits, since it's my birthday.

When we got to our room yesterday, CC had left a gift basket for my
birthday! All kinds of little snacks we can have by the pool, plus
some coozies, a sun visor, a refrigerator magnet, a sticker, and
some post cards all with the CC logos. They also packed one of the
$5 Cove coins they were giving everyone last year for their 50th
anniversary celebration. Now we will have to do some shopping, too!
I forgot my Club Orient baseball cap with the pocket in it, so
maybe we will get a CC one today.

This is only our second time here and they went out of their way to
give us the gift basket. Looks like we will have to leave ANOTHER
great review for them on Trip Advisor!

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Nuda Palooza this weekend

Last night we took advantage of Nude Night at the LakesideRestaurant: anyone dining nude gets a free glass of wine withdinner. Like you have to bribe nudists to be nude! There were onlya couple of people who didn't qualify for the free wine in therestaurant. Today we might play Petanque or hang outby the pool in the morning, then meet some friends who recentlymoved down the street from CC for the afternoon pitch & putttournament - all in our birthday suits, since it's my birthday.When we got to our room yesterday, CC had left a gift basket for mybirthday! All kinds of little snacks we can have by the pool, plussome coozies, a sun visor, a refrigerator magnet, a sticker, andsome post cards all with the CC logos. They also packed one of the$5 Cove coins they were giving everyone last year for their 50thanniversary celebration. Now we will have to do some shopping, too!I forgot my Club Orient baseball cap with the pocket in it, somaybe we will get a CC one today.This is only our second time here and they went out of their way togive us the gift basket. Looks like we will have to leave ANOTHERgreat review for them on Trip Advisor!What a great way to spend your birthday!!

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Nuda Palooza this weekend

We spent a weekend there several weeks ago and they treated us well also. We received the $5 coin but never cashed it in. They had a Karioke in the Lakeside bar Friday night, which was lots of laughs. I wore my Club O hat and so did a friend of ours. It turns out that there were several other couples spending the weekend that vacation at Club O, but at different times of the year than us. They were part of the Friday evening bar scene. We also did the pitch and putt in the buff, great fun.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Nuda Palooza this weekend

The concert was yesterday and we had a great time. We have to find out how early we can make reservations for next year.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Nuda Palooza this weekend

Thanks for the updates. We have not been to the Cove for awhile, but always enjoy it when we go. Sounds like you are having a great time.

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  • 9 years ago