Nude in Buffalo NY

If any of you are from Buffalo or the surrounding areas and you have Kik, look uo the group Nude in Buffalo NY-- the hashtag is #nudeinbuffalony. I want to meet more local people and make some local nudist friends. You can friend me on here too.

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RE: Nude in Buffalo NY

Nudist in Buffalo, NY area here. You would be surprised how many nudist are in Buffalo, NY it is just hard to get together with them at first but once you get started with a couple you will find more and more.

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RE: Nude in Buffalo NY

Nudist in Buffalo, NY area here. You would be surprised how many nudist are in Buffalo, NY it is just hard to get together with them at first but once you get started with a couple you will find more and more.

Id love to meet some

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RE: Nude in Buffalo NY

Possibly only an hour or so away:

Very enjoyable indoor swimming events in the cooler months

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