Nudist Bedders
It appears to me there are a lot of people on here that class themselves as nudists, but in fact the only time is when they are nude alone in their bedroom wanting to chat ( usually by web cam ) I appreciate that some people are not as fortunate as me to have the house to themselves but have to flat share. I am not looking a long debate in the rights or wrongs of this subject. But in my mind you either are or not happy to be a nudist. The whole throwing back the duvet and saying look Im a nudist is a bit out of place. Just wish people would take note and think what truly am I?? a nudist or an exhibitionist
I love it when people say that there nudist and not exhibitionist. All nudist are exhibitionist to some degree, If not. delete all your photos and get naked in your closet.
I disagree. The difference between a nudist and an exhibitionist is like night and day. And the mindset of each is completely different. An exhibitionist simply enjoys calling attention to himself/herself and might use nudity to accomplish that, but can also satisfy his/her goal by many other means (without nudity). Calling attention to oneself is not at all what nudism/naturism is about.
I love it when people say that there nudist and not exhibitionist. All nudist are exhibitionist to some degree, If not. delete all your photos and get naked in your closet.
I disagree with your labeling.
I agree that some exhibitionist pose as nudist, and these people are easily noted by their open crotch shot photos they post on here.
I myself call myself a naturalist where I enjoy being naked in natural setting as well as my home alone or with friends. I love to be naked 24/7 but I will cover up if there is a possibility of being seen by non nudist. I get naked for my benefit not any others benefit.
The two things are by no means incompatible, providedyou observe the appropriate boundaries.
I agree with the first part. One individual can be both. But the
reason boundaries must be observed is that the behaviors are
incompatible. Same can be said for one individual being both a
nudist and a swinger. Again, it can only work if appropriate
boundaries are observed. In other words, to be acceptable for both sides, the individual must make
the choice between one activity or the other, depending on which
side of the boundary he/she is on.
We have to be very careful when we discuss matters like this, because, the one who sets the narrative is the one who can make his or her opinion rule the day. I am uncomfortable with the idea that either you are a nudist OR an exhibitionist. Why use only those two terms? It is not like you are either wet or dry, hot or cold, black or white, good or bad. If I say I am a nudist but not an exhibitionist then some people who may not like the way I look while nude, will say the simple fact that I am sans-cloth automatically makes me an exhibitionist. Others will say it is OK to be an exhibitionist and that all nudists are just fooling themselves if they don't admit they are indeed exhibitionists. I am of the opinion of a few others who wrote before me, I am a nudist for me and only me and don't really care what labels others may attach to me.
It appears to me there are a lot of people on here that class themselves as nudists, but in fact the only time is when they are nude alone in their bedroom wanting to chat ( usually by web cam ) I appreciate that some people are not as fortunate as me to have the house to themselves but have to flat share. I am not looking a long debate in the rights or wrongs of this subject. But in my mind you either are or not happy to be a nudist. The whole throwing back the duvet and saying look Im a nudist is a bit out of place. Just wish people would take note and think what truly am I?? a nudist or an exhibitionist
Could be Right! I Think That A Nudist is A person that is Nude Only when the Sun Shines.A Naturist Is Nude Nearly All The Time.
Hay! We are all different and we shouldn't judge people who are
different from ourselves. I'm a nudist and an exhibitionist. There
is nothing sexual in my exhibitionism - I just like being naked and being seen
naked. I have thousands of nude photos of myself on the internet,
here and on other sites. I'm sexual too and I know the difference
between sex, exhibitionism and nudity. It's good not to confuse the
three both in our minds and in reality. Over 3/4 of TN members have
no photos at all. That does not stop them being nudists. And back
to the original question:- we should count our blessings if we can
be naked around our house, outside, in resorts etc. We should not
criticise those who can only be naked in their bedrooms.
Let's enjoy our differences. Variety makes life interesting,
including variety amongst nudists.
I'm a nudist and an exhibitionist. Thereis nothing sexual in my exhibitionism - I just like being naked and being seennaked.
Okay, now I'm confused. I've always thought the ultimate exhibitionist stereotype is the aging pervert jumping out and throwing open his trench coat in front of a little old church lady in hopes of getting a shocked reaction. But, according to Dictionary .com, "exhibitionism is a tendency to display one's abilities or to behave in such a way as to attract attention". There's no mention of "shock", although it doesn't exclude shock either. So in your case, I guess we'd have to figure out why you like for people to see you naked. Is it just the attention? If so, you'd qualify. But if not (like maybe for educational purposes lol!)... then you wouldn't.
I'm gonna have to go back to the drawing board and think about this.
This discussion has gone several ways. I was thinking when it was started that the poster was talking about what is a nudist and what is not. My way of thinking is that it is a lot like sexual orientation...a continuum from being completely uncomfortable with being nude to being nude as close to 24/7 as you can be. I think people who enjoy taking off their clothes at home when they are alone enjoy being nude when they can and are at least on the starting edge of being a nudist. Some people enjoy being nude at the beach or a resort, but are rarely nude other times. I am surprised how many men mention that their wife is nude only at a beach, which is completely opposite from my wife. I would not say she has moved onto the nude continuum yet, but she is making progress. She will sometimes go to the kitchen nude to make coffee, but she would never consider even going to a nude beach, much less being nude there. I am further along the path of nudism in that I enjoy being nude outside when it is appropriate and do enjoy being at nude beach or resort. I sometimes hang naked at home as my wife is OK with that, but I find wearing clothes is often more practical such as when the house is a bit cool, or I need to make a trips to the garage. Other people will remain nude even when they have non nude visitors and some going so far as to ask their guest to be nude when visiting their home. Most nudist enjoy being seen at least some of the time, but many times I go nude in the house or my back yard and being seen is not the intention at all. I would also suggest that being an exhibitionist is also a continuum. You are not either an exhibitionist or not but somewhere in between. I don't mind being seen at the beach or even the shower, but I don't go out of my way to be seen and I don't really get a charge out of being seen like some people do. The labels for nudity and exhibitionist are just labels and do not really describe a person.