Gunnison is 2nd

Greetings Everyone,
Hey below is a link to Yahoo travel rating the top 5 Nude beaches in the US. Well as the title says it Gunnison got 2nd place.

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RE: Gunnison is 2nd

Hey considering it is rated the 2nd best in the country and it even beat out a beach in Hawaii, That is still pretty dam good.

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RE: Gunnison is 2nd

Wow that's great to hear!

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RE: Gunnison is 2nd

Great to hear, but not too surprising, Gunnison is a great beach.

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RE: Gunnison is 2nd

Great survey and they almost got it right!!!!! Gunnison is #1 in our book!!

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RE: Gunnison is 2nd

Click the Yahoo link in the first posting of this thread, because that is interesting reading. I have been suspecting that Gunnison Beach is the most popular nude beach on the East Coast. The reason Gunnison Beach is number one in my book is because I have never been to any West Coast nude beaches.

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