
I bet you didn't know Arkansas has anti-nudism laws..or at least blue laws that make nudist ilegal to even discuss...i'm thinking of starting another group dedicated to getting nudism legalzed in arkansas..any ideas for that group?

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RE: Arkansas

I have a bunch of property in Arkansas, waaaay back in the woods. I dont pay too much attention to the laws when Im on my own 80 acres. Just me and nature.

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RE: Arkansas

i'll have to let you know when i move down need to be nude somewhere down there.

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RE: Arkansas

i think arkansas has some of the strictest laws concerning nudity i guess that why they don't have any nudist resorts, to bad sucha beautiful state.

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RE: Arkansas

i think arkansas has some of the strictest laws concerning nudity i guess that why they don't have any nudist resorts, to bad sucha beautiful state.
well...we need to get someone to look at and repeal the blue laws down there and show them how much money nudism brings in.

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RE: Arkansas

I have plenty of land and a small cabin near Ravenden. Everyone is welcome.

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RE: Arkansas

I have plenty of land and a small cabin near Ravenden. Everyone is welcome.

sounds good to me...i'll have to let ya know when i move down to arkansas..maybe i can figure a way up there somehow.

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