Rockdad's naked Home Life

Thought I'd start a little diary of things that I want to remember
that happens from time to time...

Last week one evening wifey and I are just lounging and talking.
Then we had unexpected guest drop by to surprise us. They walked
straight in through a side entrance and there suddenly we all were
smiling at each. They were naked as we were! They are very
close friends from our club. Finally the right type of unexpected

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RE: Rockdad's naked Home Life

Earlier this week the wifey asked me what I wanted for my B-day. I answered "Something that doesn't cost anything. We play hooky from work, stay home and spend the entire day sensually playing naked." We had an outstanding day together that sadly flew by. No wonder I'm hooked on her. 18 yrs later, together 24/7 and she still forever amazes me.

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RE: Rockdad's naked Home Life

Friday night a TN couple who we are very close friends with drove down from the Chicago area. Hot Tub, beverages and naked times with great friends. That rates pretty high over here.

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RE: Rockdad's naked Home Life

Sunday my buddy of 35 yrs and his wife who we haven't seen in a while came over to get some naked time in. To many kids in and out of their house lately. Great time just catching up and some talking about the old days. The subject of old times isn't always a fond thing to reflect on. I lived a life with a demanding ex wife that would berate my ass incessantly day in and day out. I don't know if she was getting worse as time went on or that she beat me down to breaking.
I look across the room and watched my naked wife laughing and having a good time. That girl is always pleasant and fun to be around. I am forever amazed and wonder how the hell it all turned around to this. I couldn't have scripted it any better.

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RE: Rockdad's naked Home Life

Totally unplanned Saturday night a nude gathering springs up. Our single female friend and neighbor at our club said she was going to drop by. I got a call from a buddy needing to borrow a trailer and I mentioned our mutual friend was stopping by. They thought that sounded like fun and that couple was in. Minutes later another friend and wife text me and asked if we wanted some company. Got another call after that from another couple, why not the more the merrier!
From one girl stopping by to now 9 happy go lucky nude friends having a great. It always gives me a happy sense to see our home host nudist friends all enjoying life together. The Hot Tub was busy all night long. "Build it and they will come."

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RE: Rockdad's naked Home Life

After a very long work week we needed a quiet sensual intimate weekend together. So that we did and got charged back up. On a whim dialed up some close friends Sunday evening and had a pile of crab legs and a fish fry. Parties with a lot of happy people are great but so is something low key with just a another couple or two.

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RE: Rockdad's naked Home Life

New Years Eve
We traveled an hour to a party to meet up with some
camp friends. Unsure if this was a nude party or not having never been
There were 8 other couples and the host next door neighbor
lady. I could tell she wasn't a nudist. Neighbor left and still
wondering if this was a nude party. After an hour or so everyone is
still dressed and starts playing Cards against Humanity.
I guess
the guy host asked a couple if they were going to take their clothes
off. He didn't get a response and they were not moving towards clothes
free. He came and asked me and I said Bob usually the host takes the
lead. He said "really? I always wait for the guest." I went to the
other room and spoke to the wife. We went to our guest room, she beat
me out of my clothes and then walks through a circle of dressed people
heading for the hot tub.
I was behind her several steps and I could see every eyeball was following her butt as she passed through the group.
minute everyone saw her naked most people particularly the ladies felt
at ease and started stripping. I was thinking I wish she would have
done this an hour ago!

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RE: Rockdad's naked Home Life

We spent all weekend locked away in the house for a quiet nude intimate weekend. It really gets a person centered again around your mate and gets all those life distractions pushed back. Super stressful Monday at work did follow however. Friends out of the blue called us up and said they were bringing supper over and would like to hot tub.
After we ate and tubbed I just quietly sat back watching the conversation. What I noticed and appreciated most was my beautiful naked wife enjoying herself and the company of my best friend. This is the guy she has been so close to pre-social nudist that she once said would never let him see her naked.
I love the fact she is so beautiful to me and openly shares the sight of her nude body with other nudist. We have always been attached to each other and the lifestyle has further enhanced our relationship.

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RE: Rockdad's naked Home Life

thanks rockdad, for sharing such beautiful experiences

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