RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Hello everyone. Im a 34 year old man living in Georgia. I explore nudist resorts, campgrounds and beaches around the southeast United States. I consider myself an at home nudist because I dont like people staring. Im unfortunately quite shy in person. I view nudism as a sense of liberation, both physically and mentally. My hope is that I can meet some wonderful people around the world that I can feel this sense of liberation with.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Hello thereMyself Gagan Deep,am a 20 years old here.I am spiritual,optimistic and see the love and innocence present in the nature so i do in seeing the bodies.I join this group to learn about the innocence of having a large penis ,i have heard some people treat penis size especially large as a matter of fun in form of sexual aset only on the other side where people with large penises have their innocence and their own problems.Whether whatever size of your penis say large or small you are accepted and there is still a innocence present there .So appreciate all form of penis sizes.

It's nice to see you here! Yes, acceptance of what you have been given - or what your partner has in you - is important here. Half the world has a dick and being happy as you are is what can help keep the optimism going.

The innocence is another matter, with most guys not actually understanding the differences amongst us until the moment when we are put into/put ourselves into a situation where we can see other men down below the waist. I for one did not truly understand my endowment until much later in life, not having the benefit that some past generations have had, whose males showered or swam together bare. Earlier, through my girlfriend's knowledge and comments, I knew that I might have more to work with than some males in the penile department. Not until my nudism cranked up and I began witnessing dozens and eventually hundreds of other guys around me did I learn that I was a bit above average downstairs. And it was also about that same time that I discovered it doesn't make a damned bit of difference! To a degree, individualism is what keeps this world going, and always remembering to be thankful for what you are under your skin instead of any perceived merits due to your penis length and width.

When speaking on the sexual side of the story, a large size is nice, but applying your loving talents makes every bit of difference, along with making sure you give yourself fully to the ones you love, of course!

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  • 3 years ago
RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Hi im Travis. I am 30 years old and living in Arizona. Ive always enjoyed being naked even as a kid. Now that im an adult I can hang out naked at home and love to shed my clothes when outside. I have always known ive had a larger than normal size. I am 8 inches long and 6 inches around. Very cool to belong to a group of men with similar physical traits.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Hello everyone!

Im a Carolina boy kinda new to the lifestyle. Ive mostly been shy about nudity from fear of rejection I guess. Since Ive been on TN have found wide spread acceptance and am enjoying getting to know people. Im here because I am admirer of a large penis- thanks for the add.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Hi, Gino here, 33 living in Uk , new to the group and happy to join the discussion

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  • 2 years ago
RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Hi there! I am Tim, 52, and I have been a home nudist now for four years and beach nudist for ten years. Been a member of True Nudists for three years. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of this group.
I enjoy being nude and I guess that part of that joy is the exhibitionism too though that is not as important as the sense of liberation. I dont consider myself to have a large penis in comparison to many men yet my pics sometimes make me look relatively large in the penis department. I have come to recognise that ones body is a house to look after but not to obsess about , you have to leave it behind one day so dont get too precious about it! That also includes ones penis too of course. That said I am also an admirer of a large penis, always looks magnificent on a happy nudist!
Tim. Satyr1970

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  • 2 years ago
RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group


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  • 2 years ago
RE: Introductions - please introduce yourself to the group

Hello everyone. I'm Jack and just joined TN and this group. I'd say I've always been curious about the naked body and have enjoyed locker rooms, steam rooms and saunas, hammams in Europe, and especially many nude beaches around the world. Floating naked in my pool is always a favorite past time too. I've lived in several countries and traveled throughout Asia, Australia and Europe and always find it intriguing how different cultures and countries relate to nudism. Other men with large penises and their experiences are especially intriguing to me. I'm retired now and living in Florida and California.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Hi. I am 28 years old.. I like to be naked whenever possible. However most of the time I am naked there are not many people to watch.. the only public place where I become nude are the water bodies ( not fabricated/ constructed swimming pools - natural ponds and small rivers. I am from Kerala India where we are blessed with amazing backwaters, waterfalls etc of vast range of scale/sizes. I have been livng alone for the past 6 years and Everyday when I reach home. I strip off take a shower and wear a towel while in the kitchen or else go completely naked. I would love to visit nude beaches that I have heard so much of. One difficulty that I have faced while being nude in public places is that sometimes I get aroused especially when people are watching me. I really want to get over this discomfort. And enjoy natural places in the nude.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Hi. I am 28 years old.. I like to be naked whenever possible. However most of the time I am naked there are not many people to watch.. the only public place where I become nude are the water bodies ( not fabricated/ constructed swimming pools - natural ponds and small rivers. I am from Kerala India where we are blessed with amazing backwaters, waterfalls etc of vast range of scale/sizes. I have been livng alone for the past 6 years and Everyday when I reach home. I strip off take a shower and wear a towel while in the kitchen or else go completely naked. I would love to visit nude beaches that I have heard so much of. One difficulty that I have faced while being nude in public places is that sometimes I get aroused especially when people are watching me. I really want to get over this discomfort. And enjoy natural places in the nude.

Welcome to our group, V! It can be difficult to find good places to be nude outside of the home and I'm happy you have found some, though you are still bothered by the arousal when others may look at you and you feel that feeling. With experience and time, those feelings mostly begin to go away, though at your age it might be a challenge depending on who is looking at you and how enticing you may find them. It might be a good idea - if it isn't against your morals or religious beliefs - to go ahead and pleasure yourself before you go to a place where other people congregate without clothes on. I feel as though even in natural places where I'm alone those feelings can intrude on the connection with the natural world. When you are alone it doesn't matter, but when you are among other nudists it shows them respect to not let your body's sexual urges become overwhelming. Especially for men who are well-endowed, it can be difficult to hide your arousal, so always be sure to have a handy towel to cover yourself until those feelings relax. Better yet, enjoy yourself before you leave home and you'll find yourself better able to focus on the natural experience of nudity shared. Heck, do it twice! In time, you will notice those feelings will not be as pronounced once you've gotten used to being socially naked. Good luck!

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  • 2 years ago