RE: Introductions - please introduce yourself to the group

Hello! My name is Roland and I am 41 years old. I am living here in Austria/in Vienna and at the moment I am definitely more a kind of a homenudist in my small apprtment here.
I really like and I also really admire dudes who have a large penis and big balls then a lot.
I also really like to watch them then as well.

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RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Good morning and Happy new year everyone. I'm Mike from Maryland USA. I have been a nudist for as long as I can remember as an adult.

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RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Hi, I'm Henk from the Netherlands. I didn't grew up with nudity but when I was in my twenties I went to a sauna and there I found out I liked to be nude. From this moment on I explored nude beaches/lakes and also loved to be nude at home when temperatures allow it. What I like most about nudism/naturism is that everybody can be yourself without judging anybody. That also counts for men who have small or large penises. Everybody is unique and must have the opportunity to express yourself without hurting anybody. As for myself I'm very pleased with my body and try to keep fit doing some running and other sports. My penis size is quite regular but I have a friend with a very large penis. For him it has not been easy always to deal with that. There are always people looking at him and that's not easy to cope with. So let's be friendly and please respect each other the way you are. Have a wonderful nude 2024!

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RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Hello, I'm a single gay nudist who enjoys nudism at home, the beach, camping, resorts, spas, you name it. Always better with friends. I enjoy the feeling of the wind and warmth of the sun on my skin, the freedom of enjoying nudism with others, and appreciating the bodies of others. I would love to shed the last of my insecurities and be nude 100% of the time with others. Until then, I'll work my way towards it. Thanks for letting me join!

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RE: Introductions - please introduce yourself to the group

Hi - Im Matt. From the North of England. I love social nudity outside and inside. WNBR London attendee.

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RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group


Robert here. Avg in length but enjoy the camaraderie with all guys. Live in NC, always nice to find other nudists to hang with

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RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Howdy All, Ohio native, and have been closet nudist for many years. looking to meet other like minded individuals. I'd be interested in hearing more about the challenges of having a spouse that is not in this lifestyle as well.

be great

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RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Hello. Thanks for accepting me to the group. 55 year old from Virginia. I know Im not as well endowed as a lot of you, but Im above average and I certainly admire the larger ones. Im submitting a photo, hope its acceptable.

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RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Hi all, I'm a 47yo male in California. I don't have a huge penis but I understand that it's above average - about 4" when flaccid and 7" when fully erect. I was very shy and modest about my body for much of my life and still prefer not to get naked around anyone I've known for a long time, but because of that I still find it really liberating and exciting to share and talk about my penis with new acquaintances in a nudist context. It's something I never would've thought of doing when I was younger, and it's still not what anyone I know would expect I'd be open to :-) So I'm looking forward to sharing more about it and learning about others' penises and experiences with them as well! (For now I'll just add that I've been circumcised since birth.)

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RE:INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to the group

Thanks so much for inviting me into the group! I have been a nudist most of my life (although I don't have any kind of membership card :-) ), and am fairly new to this site.

As you can probably tell from my profile I am WAAAAYY on the other end of the spectrum from the members of this group- that is to say that I am far smaller than the average guy.

I did not realize how small I am until I spent time naked with my friends, and was always the smallest in the group. I also had a few girlfriends who pointed that out to me along the way too. Once I realized that, I started to take notice of other guys- in the locker room, on the beach, whatever, and I became amazed at some of the larger penises guys were toting around.

I very much enjoy seeing men who are much longer, and especially thicker than me. While it used to embarrass the hell out of me to feel so inferior, I have to admit that it gives me a bit of a thrill to be compared to bigger guys. I am in admiration, awe, and jealousy of the big ones, for sure.

In the past few years it has been fun to be naked with my wife and other friends, or passerby, who area lot bigger than me. I like to stand right beside them as my wife is talking to them so that she can see us side by side and take direct note of the incredible size difference. She is reluctant to comment, but I can always tell that she enjoys the view! ;-)

So cheers to all the big dicks on here! :-)

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