RE: another trip

I drive for about an hour to have my waxing sessions done. I was so surprised at how negative some of the young women in the local salons became when asked about waxing certain areas for men. At any rate, I found a great lady that is not only quite comfortable with waxing men, she's professional, personable and has reasonable prices.
Anyway ... after my session where I had more of my body waxed than previous visits, I got in the car and stripped off my t shirt and shorts and headed home. I missed a turn and had to take a small detour that had me stop at a light. A guy on his bike rode right up next to me and stopped an balanced himself with a foot on the curb. He looked over into my car and then took a double take. He smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I thought about it for a second and then thought ... "how does he see I'm naked through my dark tinted windows." Then I dawned on me that the sun was shining down on the windshield right on to my lap and my lap was exposed in bright daylight. The light was about to change. He looks over at me again and makes a motion with his hands as to say he wanted to take his clothes off too and then gave me another thumbs up and the light changed. He rode across the street and I made my left turn. :D

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