Intentionally Caught

Ever intentionally get caught naked by someone while making
it look accidental?

Somewhereamongst being daring, stupid, and an exhibitionist,
I was enjoying the day naked in the backyard this past August when I noticed a
neighbor walking out her driveway for what I assumed was to get the mail. She is a fun, free-spirited woman that I had
often wondered if she may be, or would at least entertain being, a nudist too. I never had the opportunity nor the nerve to
ever approach the subject with her, but I was feeling a bit brave at that
moment and it ran through my head that perhaps if she discovered that I was a
nudist, it might break the ice. I figured at worst, well, it was just an
accidental incident and we move on. So I
positioned myself in the yard such that when she came back she would have a
clear view and it would appear that I was simply attending to my phone in the
nude and not paying any attention to the situation. It was set up perfectly: it was a nice warm
day, I was home alone in the yard, my fun and attractive neighbor was on the
verge of discovering me naked, and just maybe I would have a new nudist
friend! Only in reality it turned out
that she was headed out for a jog and didn't return!

Afterwards I realized that it likely worked out
for the best and I havent tried anything like it since, but it got me to
wondering if anybody else had ever tried anything similar and had any
interesting results.

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RE: Intentionally Caught

After my next door neighbor caught me naked in my yard (unintentional) and was cool about it, I explained that I am often naked at home. But not to worry, I will dress to answer the door if he lets me know he's coming over. He said that what I do at home is my business but he left with the impression that I wouldn't be nude if I was expecting him. The more I thought about it I realized that I was deferring to his norm unnecessarily, so the next time he came over alone (his wife doesn't know and would not approve), I answered nude intentionally, much to his surprise. He was accepting but I think a bit uncomfortable at first. Since he made no objection tho, I think over time he will get more comfortable if I continue to be comfortable too.

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RE: Intentionally Caught

I was outed as a nudist by someone seeing me naked through the window and telling the entire village. I certainly did not intend it but it did me a good turn. Everyone around me knows and accepts I'm a nudist without me having to break it to them. A few have caught me naked, again unintentionally on my part. One lady was delighted to talk about it time after time afterwards.
Then, just over a year ago, I stripped off in the village pub. I'd been wearing a kilt and all the women were asking if I was wearing anything under it. So I showed them. It was quite natural at the time - we just carried on drinking and chatting as normal. Photos were taken. When I went into the pub the following night everyone had seen the photos. A cheer went up as I entered and there were lots of duck jokes (comment on my tattoo and it's position). So I did an encore.

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RE: Intentionally Caught

Living up on my private 35 acres, I do have occasional deliveries from UPS and Fed Ex, and if I was out on the property, I would hide behind a tree or jump into the shed if I was close by, but after a while, I said "screw it!" since I had a warning on my front door which they have all seen. So about three years ago, I just either continued with my chore and let them drop the package, or in a few cases, walked over to let them hand it to me. They don't even batt an eye, even the female drivers.

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RE: Intentionally Caught

Speaking of massage therapists, I went for a massage in the Czech Republic. I entered the spa hotel and was directed to the therapy reception desk. A young woman gave me a key and told me to undress and put my stuff in a locker. Standing near the locker, I began to go hard, realizing that I would be naked, in full view of the very old people there. I went back and asked for a towel, which I then wore to the massage area. The towel covered my erection, but didn't get rid of it and my masseuse got some eye candy, even though this was not a massage parlor type of place.

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RE: Intentionally Caught

Not sure how many times I have been intentionally caught nude. It has been many.....Starting with home. I am always nude at home and in the yard during the summer. A few years ago a neighbor came over to use the pool only to find me naked. She was cool with it and so was I. From the time forward, she would come over and join me naked every time I was home. The best part is she lived two houses away and would walk over just wrapped in a towel. One time I walked over to her place buck naked to have her put lotion on my back as I was fighting a nasty sunburn.I also love to go nude on beaches that are not official nude beaches. Its great when you are laying there and others would come by. Some just kept going and others would stop to chat. Most of the time it was "I had no idea this was a nude beach" conversation. The best part is when they join me. I always liked that.Another thing I enjoy is nude hiking. I will drop the shorts right at the trailhead and enjoy my day regardless of who I pass. Some of the reactions are priceless but sometime I come across other nude hikers which makes me feel validated.

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RE: Intentionally Caught

Never intentionally caught, but caught I was. We live in Phoenix and most of the houses here have a 6 - 8' block privacy fence around their yards. We have planted some very tall growing shrubs around the perimeter of the wall, so at the lowest point it's maybe 9' tall. So the only way anyone could see in is if they were on their roof...I think you know what's coming...
We are always naked in the house and back yard and in the pool. This is our normal daily way of life we don't give it a second thought.I was in the backyard cleaning the pool, like always. Took a break in the shade for a few minutes and had some water. While I was sitting in the shade I realized I hadn't cleaned the filter basket. So I got up and walked to the skimmer, got down on my hands and knees, pulled the basket out and turned around to go to the garbage to clean it out. I happen to glance up and there is a man on the roof next door rolling on a coating of the foam roofing some use here. When I stood and turned around he stopped working and just looked down at me. This was my first time being caught so I was surprised... he said "Hey great day for it" and my dumb ass said "for what"? he said "doing what you're doing" now I'm starting to catch on... and I said "It always is..." So I just carried on doing everything I was going to do with him up there working. I would look up now and again and he was always looking my way. So I finally said to him, "when you finish the roof you're welcome to jump in the pool with me" and he said "give me 20 minutes" Sure enough he came over, stripped out on the patio and we jumped in the pool! Whenever he's in the area he always calls and texts to see if we're around and outside. So we made a new naked friend!!

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RE: Intentionally Caught

Great story...and just goes to show we never know when we may make a new naked buddy!!

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RE: Intentionally Caught

Multiple times. I wish I had a better yard so could do some of the things mentioned in a few of these posts with the spa cleaning, etc. Those sound great!
Probably better story I have is the hotel one. Suite type hotel and I was in the shower. After I got out and drying myself I was pretty sure I heard the cleaning person knock and come in. The front door was honestly a LONG way from the bathroom so legit to not hear it. I took a chance and walked out naked into the kitchen area where he/she could see me. It was a woman. She apologized and got her stuff and left. I checked out a few minutes later and saw her in the hallway where she apologized. I of course said "not a problem at all". She said "It seemed like I was more embarassed than you were" with a smile on her face. Yup. Of course too bad I wasn't staying more days since she seemed like she would have been ok.

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RE: Intentionally Caught

Of course too bad I wasn't staying more days since she seemed like she would have been ok.Most hotel staff have no problem with naked guests.

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RE: Intentionally Caught

yep several times. One of the more memorable ones was years ago on a Windjammer Barefoot Cruise. When the ship sailedwith berths for 64 guests and only 63 passengers aboard, I figured out the cruise line had given me a solo room at no extra charge.The only empty bunk was in my stateroom. I sort of knew when the stewards would make their rounds to drop off towels etc. I stretched out on my bunk to read bare head to toe and no sheets. The steward let himself him, smiled dropped off the towels and made no comment.Later I saw him pointing at me while talking to another crew member.

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