RE: Intentionally Caught

This happened many years ago before I started thinking about social nudity etc... After a long week of presenting and working with customers at our work National Meeting, our group went out for some beers relaxing...
Afterwards we grabbed one last beer to go to the outside hot tube at 1am or so.. We get there and joined the gentleman already there. Nice guy .. pleasant conversation etc.
After about 10min he says "well, I didn't expect anyone to be coming down here at this time of night". Got up nude ... grabbed his towel and up to his room he went. The rest of my co-workers had a big giggle ... Ever since then, I've thought about doing something similar.

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RE: Intentionally Caught

I work at home and when my wife is away I'm generally naked. Two years ago I became infatuated with another work at home married woman and she felt something for me too. One day she took me into Jerusalem. Along the way I told her about how I became a performing nudist. In 1998, when I was still single, I began working on my new PC, and found myself naked for long stretches without moving. I decided to advertise myself as an art model. It wasn't until 2001 that I got paying work in this.By the time I got out of the car, my new friend could have imagined encountering me nude in several different settings. Shortly thereafter she must have begun to feel threatened because she became very cool towards me. In September that year, shortly before my visit to Provence and Cap d'Agde, I stepped out of my house one afternoon, as I often do during the day, fully expecting to see nobody. Instead, I saw this former flame standing in the street, looking straight at me, without any vegetation to cover me. I went inside again. A couple of days later a friend called me aside and said that there was a complaint against me for being naked outside my house. I have deliberated on this story from many angles. I am certain that she willed it, standing there that day. My house is fairly secluded, and I go in when I hear someone approach. The only way to catch me nude is to be right where she was. I also wanted it to happen, but never go out when I know someone might see me. The only real problem is that she probably thought that I knew she was there. The incident further complicated our delicate relationship.

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RE: Intentionally Caught

This is down to what the word "Intentionally" means as I when I come out of the back door which can be seen from the road is this intentional to be seen or not. Also taking rubbish out to the side of the road as well nude.Yesterday I was seen by the lady next door going in the back door so was that just doing a normal act or intentional to be caught.

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RE: Intentionally Caught

When I used to stay atone of my ex-girlfriends, I used to stand at the backdoor to the garden in a open dressing gown with nothing on underneath, any neighbours watching got a eyeful.

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RE: Intentionally Caught

Well yesterday I was tiding up some weed plants on the track-way
when the lady next door walked across her end and complained about
the man on the other side starting a strimmer etc in the evening
when I spoke to her, so by working there nude was that "Intentionally Caught" or not.

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RE: Intentionally Caught

Well yesterday I was tiding up some weed plants on the track-waywhen the lady next door walked across her end and complained aboutthe man on the other side starting a strimmer etc in the eveningwhen I spoke to her, so by working there nude was that "Intentionally Caught" or not.I guess she wasn't shocked at seeing you naked.

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RE: Intentionally Caught

I have a long driveway leading to my front yard, which is surrounded by trees and very private. Have been surprised by UPS and Fedex more than once. One time I was waiting for a pickup from a shipping company that I used regularly for business dealings at the time. I had gotten to know the driver who was a kind of friendly guy, so one time I planted myself in the front yard, pulling some weeds and naked as a jaybird. He was his usual friendly self, pretty nonchalant about my nakedness, said ''you're lookin' good'' and took offf again.

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RE: Intentionally Caught

i think this qualify for being intentionally caught naked the house my wife and i currently live is also shared with two other guys. both have been told that we are nudist but they have asked that no nudity be on the lower floors were it is a common area, we have agreed to this.but i and my wife sleep naked so upstairs is fair game both room mates have caught me as i have leave the bathroom after doing my bisonly one has asked to cover up next time i told him it probably won't happen i am to old to start ducking and covering up for someone else to feel comfortable and yes we are all friends

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RE: Intentionally Caught

A year ago the termite inspector showed up at my house without an appointment and I was nude sunbathing on the deck and when I heard his voice as he was approaching the deck I covered myself with the towel I was lying on...think he may of had a quick peek. So yesterday I knew he was coming to do an inspection at 9:30 am...but this time I would pretend I was asleep in the lounge chair and just be caught naked. So when he arrived I just staying lying in the chairs eyes closed and waited for him to come around to the deck...I just laid there for a few minutes as I heard his voice pretending he woke me up...I told him I forget he was coming...HEEHEE! I did not bother to cover up I just stayed naked the entire time he did the inspection. He didn't seem to mind at all...I think if didn't have a full schedule that day I could have persuaded him to join me.

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RE: Intentionally Caught

I haven't actually been caught naked intentionally, apart from the
occasion I mentioned in #5 earlier. But I have intentionally made
an inadequate job of covering up. We all have those times when we
need to cover to get to a nude beach or on other occasions when
nudity is not allowed. I use a very short wrap or skirt. When I sit
or kneel I expose everything. Once I got a very positive reaction
from a passing woman when bending over to put something in my car.
Then there are my see-through wraps. They have caused a stir when
passing workmen, when dealing with time-share sales girls and (most
delightfully) when buying ice cream. The girls selling ice cream
remembered me later.

Did I say I hadn't been caught intentionally? There was the evening
we had been out for dinner. We passed a charity collection point
for clothing on the way to the town center car park. Knowing there
were people around I stripped and donated all of my clothing. As I
walked on, naked, I heard someone say Did you see what that man
just did?

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