Dead groups
There are groups here which are active but lack a group admin because he has not signed into TrueNudists for a long time and has not appointed an alternative admin. No new photos can be posted to the group album as there is no one to approve them. The same applies to new members where the group requires their approval too. Fortunately it does not affect group discussions. But it can lead to group members' frustration as has been the case in at lest one group. What is the solution?
There are groups here which are active but lack a group admin because he has not signed into TrueNudists for a long time and has not appointed an alternative admin. No new photos can be posted to the group album as there is no one to approve them. The same applies to new members where the group requires their approval too. Fortunately it does not affect group discussions. But it can lead to group members' frustration as has been the case in at lest one group. What is the solution?
Has anyone sent a PM to the missing admin?
There are groups here which are active but lack a groupadmin because he has not signed into TrueNudists for a long timeand has not appointed an alternative admin. No new photos can beposted to the group album as there is no one to approve them. Thesame applies to new members where the group requires their approvaltoo. Fortunately it does not affect group discussions. But it canlead to group members' frustration as has been the case in at lestone group. What is the solution?
I've encountered this many times Olly. I've sent message
after message to some of these members who are admins of these dead
groups and there's been no answer and they continue to have not
logged in, in over a year or more. If they aren't logging on, they aren't getting the messages. If they are set up to get an email when they get a message, they are, most likely ignoring it ... or they'd log on and answer. The other reason is that they are unable for medical reasons or worse.
I've contacted the TN owners, TT1 and TT2, and the response I got
was that it's easier for them if you just start a new group ...
I've done that but then there are multiple groups with the same
focus with members split between the groups.
The solution ... more site administrators/moderators with the
ability to make the changes that the owners seem unwilling to spend
the time to do or are unable to do because of other obligations.
This is a large site, lots of members but with that come many
problems and sometimes ... these hobbies get bigger than expected
and take more time than was thought, initially. It can get away
from those that started it. I've seen it more than a few times with
sites I am on regularly.
What is the solution?
I think the only solution is in TN owner's hands. Dead groups along
with dead profiles deleted. . . .
If you delete the group, then, OBVIOUSLY , you will loose
everything that was in the group. I've had that happen in
some Yahoo groups. I've lost many pictures and conversations that I
thought were in a safe place, so I didn't save copies of them :-(
I wish they would have posted a warning, in an email
to the members, or at least on a conversation thread, just in case someone DID want to save something,
before it's demise.
There was one group that I belonged to where the administratorhad disappeared. I contacted TT1 about it and was appointed as anadministrator. Maybe it's rare but it can be done.
Me too. I was appointed admin to a dead group by owners. Tried to do that again recently and they said that they don't do that. Its bewildering sometimes what thought process our beloved owners use.
I encountered this with a group that still quite active, however without a moderator (who hasn't signed on in over a year) it isn't possible to approve new members. I wrote to the TN admins about appointing a new moderator but their response was to create a new group.
It's sad that there are so many perfectly good groups that go unused because there are no moderators. Even still, there are some groups that shouldn't have been groups in the first place that are dead and simply need to be deleted.