Luckily for us it was last week. Found a cache out a bit and drove the Jeep within a half mile. Naked hiking to the cache was great and finding a peace symbol on the ground was interesting.
- 8 years ago
Chances are if you are out finding new caches, then you are in an area where you have never been before. That can be risky with all the people around here. I do almost all of my naked caching while doing maintenance in areas I know well. With 5 inches of snow yesterday, I am pretty much done naked caching this season.
- 8 years ago
Once again we headed out and found another preserve and no one around. Grabbed a few caches and had the opportunity to hike 6-7 miles naked and enjoy the sun and cooler temps. Lucky for us the bugs weren't out either. Found some hog cages we took fun photos with and hid a couple new caches all while being naked. Even had a group of wild hogs cross in front of us on the trail.
If only we knew how to upload photos here. Can't figure it out.
- 8 years ago
went out today and found 3 of 5 caches looked for. Went along the local riverbed. This river has a high edge trail and a low trail where the caches were. Was seen by a bike rider from the higher trail with no comments made. He just rode by. This area is relatively close to housing but is behind a large business parking area that is fenced. Been walking this area for a few weeks at night. Thought I would do it today for caching. As always, a great walk and find.
- 8 years ago