Circumcision & Naturism

Wondering if anyone has had himself circumcised because of being a nudist?
Several guys I have spoken to say it makes them feel totally nude, and I know some uncut guys will retract their foreskins for the same reason. It was part of the reason I did it.

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RE: Circumcision & Naturism

That would be rather extreme. I'm of the opinion that unless it's medically necessary, leave well alone. But as an adult, they have the right to choose.

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RE: Circumcision & Naturism

I was circumcised when I was a kid so this didn't play a part if the decision to have me circumcised (I had a tight foreskin). Without needing to scrutinise everybody's anatomy, it can be nice while naked to come across other cut guys and have that in common. It's not something you really get to talk about or notice otherwise

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RE: Circumcision & Naturism

My circumcision happened in my late twenties my foreskin was greatly overlapping my gland and wouldn't retract with an erection and in the warmer month of the year I used to get rashes on the inside of my foreskin. since my circumcision happened I've never had the problem again and yes I feel very comfortable with it.

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RE: Circumcision & Naturism

I got circumcised as an adult because of my piercings rather than being a nudist. I just as happy uncut on a beach as I am cut

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RE: Circumcision & Naturism

Was circumcised at birth so it had no bearing on me being a nudist.

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