Office without underwear

Today I went office without weaing any underwear. Just a pair of thin formal trousers to cover my assets! Though at first I feel uneasy, but after some time I felt pretty comfortable. Nobody noticed anything strange including female coleagues! The thought of nudity gave me excitement. A day well spent in office!

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RE: Office without underwear

Good for you
Nowadays I have given up wearing underwear; they make me feel very constricted and uncomfortable

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RE: Office without underwear

good to know about your experience. i've given up underwears years back. i always am going commando. free-balling is such a liberating experience!

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RE: Office without underwear

Today I went office without weaing any underwear. Just a pair of thin formal trousers to cover my assets! Though at first I feel uneasy, but after some time I felt pretty comfortable. Nobody noticed anything strange including female coleagues! The thought of nudity gave me excitement. A day well spent in office!ha ,ha ha.try one day to go to office only in underwears.

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RE: Office without underwear

I would try that only on the last day of my office!

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RE: Office without underwear

Nowadays I practise the same (for last 6 months or more)...just a
pair of formal underwear inside...every time at
office or anywhere...I rarely wear those briefs really
gives some good feelings...

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RE: Office without underwear

Yes, it feels great. I have started free-balling years ago. Now, the strange thing is, I had to wear briefs for a shraddh ceremony as I had to wear dhoti on it. It was really uncomfortable for me, after so many years!

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