Because of old age

I can now say that I have been to Gunnison Beach for the last time.
I am 81 years old and was recently taken to hospital by ambulance because of feeling faint. Thank God it was neither a heart attack nor stroke. They decided that I need a walker, that Medicare paid for. In addition, I recently acquired a HurryCane that is advertised on TV. Feeling faint spells has been habitual for months.
I am convinced that I should never again attempt the Gunnison Beach so-called death march from the parking lot to the oceanside. I don't believe that a long walk in the sand would be compatible with a walker or cane, especially when carrying items.
I have enjoyed the fellowship at Gunnison Beach. I will miss the sun and breeze on my bare skin at the ocean. I will still enjoy home nudism. I am sure that nudist resorts are open to all regardless of handicap.

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RE: Because of old age

Completely agree. No reason not to have social nude time. I'm happy to visit and there are places you can go that are accommodating. Stay active and stay nude!

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