Grand Opening

We have a gorgeous pool, lake, huge hot tub and we are going to have an amzing meet and greet next weekend....... my number is 702-496-3627
this will be by donation only until, we get all the business stuff taken care of.......... donations and reservations can be made thru paypal!!!! paypal to Please make donations early as we are the only place like this here in this area and I know that alot of you will want to be ther first out here!!!!!
hot tub
and a dance to follow................. BYOB
There is places for camping, but no RV hookups yet!

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RE: Grand Opening

Maybe I missed something, but I don't know anything about your place other than what's in this message?
Where is it? I don't know Weatherford. How do we get directions? What kind of donation are you expecting for this first weekend? Who is it for?

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RE: Grand Opening

Looking forward to it.

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