Cold air baths

In winter my opportunities to get out into nature without clothes are of course limited. But lately I enjoy going out into the back yard at night for a few minutes of a cold air bath. Do I wear footwear in the snow? Yes. Temps have been fairly moderate (20s-30s) and if the breeze isn't too brisk it can be quite exhilarating to feel the cold air all over. Ben Franklin was big on cold air baths, and some are convinced that it's good for stimulating the immune system. All I know so far is that it feels good.
A lot of the Scandinavians and Finns in the area run out and roll naked in the snow as part of sauna routine.
Anybody else out there enjoy this kind of naked entertainment?

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RE: Cold air baths

Yes - and I have also done some brisk naked walking in the winter. On a calm winter day or night it can be very enjoyable and refreshing. You feel very alive. As long as you keep moving at a reasonable speed the body produces enough internal heat to keep you comfortable. Although I have not tried it myself - I believe the same is true for naked skiing ... You are well advised to ensure that someone knows in what direction you are walking (in case of accident or getting lost) - you run an increased risk of hypothermia from prolonged exposure to cold weather when you are naked ...

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RE: Cold air baths

I tried the roll in the snow after a sauna once. I was told your so hot that your skin would not even feel the cold. They lied!! Not near as much fun as I was lead to believe. Maybe I'm just warm blooded but never tried it again.

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RE: Cold air baths

I tried the roll in the snow after a sauna once. I was told your so hot that your skin would not even feel the cold. They lied!! Not near as much fun as I was lead to believe. Maybe I'm just warm blooded but never tried it again.That is very funny, and I've been suspicious all along of the guys who try to convince me to try it.

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RE: Cold air baths

You guys must be doing something wrong. Either you are not staying long enough in the sauna or you are frolicking too long in the snow. Speed is of essence here - and no hesitation. Out - roll in snow - and back in the sauna again. Once you get the hang of it - it really is exhilarating ...

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RE: Cold air baths

I get them daily all winter long when I streak out to get the morning paper. The coldest streak was at -18F Duration time less than a minute. Other short cold air bathes occur when i take the few steps out to the hot tub and when I get back out.I did find out the definition of eternity by doing a nude snow angel after jumping out of the hot tub, lying down in 6" of snow.and then jumping back in. I had set the timer on the camera for 10 seconds , eternity is lying there the 9 secs after i got horizontal n the snow waiting for the camera to click.But on cold but sunny days that are still , no wind, I have spent maybe 10 minutes outside shoveling snow with only shoes on.Feels great.

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