Saturday January 30th 2016
Hello spa gang. Happy new nude year everyone. Lets get out of the cold and go into a nice warm sauna, steam room and or a hot tub. A good place to do all three would be Spa World in Centreville, VA. Last January we had several tn guys show up. It would be nice if we could do that again. Spa World is a Korean spa that is open 24/7 and has a bathhouse, gym, restaurant etc. I hope we have good weather for us travelers. I am not sure if I can make it there this January but will try. Hope to see many faces on Saturday January 30th.
- 9 years ago
Hey Billy! I was just thinking about all the fun we had there last January - can you believe it's been a year already?? I'm going to try very hard to be there on the 30th, but I won't know for sure for another week or so. I'll keep you posted!
- 9 years ago
What a great time we all had last year.
Sadly, I don't think I can make it this year, but my schedule often changes at the last minute. If it does, getting to Spa World is always high on my list.
- 9 years ago
I'll be there if the gang is there for sure! Should be there 23 Jan as well with Bull!! Fun!!!! Thanks for posting, Billy!!!
- 9 years ago
I plan to be there on the 30th -- looking forward to it -- last year was a lot of fun. Tom
- 9 years ago
I'll be there for sure! Looking forward to seeing you all there.
- 9 years ago
Unfortunately I won't be able to make it. However I am trying to carve out some time to go either during the week or the weekend before.
- 9 years ago
Man oh man. Would love to try and make it on the 30th. Hoping to meet a lot of TN friends. Mike
- 9 years ago
I hope the weather improves by next weekend so Mike, Tom, Bob and others can make it to the spa. I am sorry to say that I will not be there. Please still go and have a great spa experience. I would enjoy to hear about it. Thanks!!!
- 9 years ago
The stars just didn't align for me this time. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it. Wish I could be there -- Have a great time!
- 9 years ago
Lotsa snow in spa world parking lot!!! Wow!! They're gonna have these glaciers a long while!! Enjoying ihop breakfast, then short walk to spa!! Oh yeah!!!
- 9 years ago