RE: out door shower

Two of the creates feelings. Nude outdoor shower and nude in the rain. Seems to add tremendously to the sensations

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RE: out door shower

Two of the creates feelings. Nude outdoor shower and nude in the rain. Seems to add tremendously to the sensations

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RE: out door shower

My new outdoor shower which is near my pool serves two functions:-1. to have a rinse before using the pool or spa and 2. a cool down or wash when I am gardening. Friends agree it is amazing showering in the sun.

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RE: out door shower

It is a great feeling. I made an outdoor shower in my backyard. Its to cold in the winter but great in the summers here in Arizona.

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RE: out door shower

I love to stand naked in the rain its such a great feeling.everybody should experience it once.

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RE: out door shower

has anyone here been naked in the rain? it's like nature's shower, so exhilarating!i went for a totally naked morning walk right out my front door, Just as I set out it began a warm rain. I was not chilledat all, so i kept walking for 40 min. It stopped just as I got back home. I wished I had taken my shampoo with meI could have skipped getting in the shower when i got home.

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RE: out door shower

has anyone here been naked in the rain? it's like nature's shower, so exhilarating!
One morning I went for my usual naked hike right out my front door. I follow a farmer's lane across the road.It began to rain just as I set out for the 35 min walk. It was a warm rain, and I did not chill, it stopped just as I got backhome. I wish I had taken my shampoo with me, I could have saved getting in the shower when I got back home.
Another time while on St Lucia, a friend and I got caught in the rain. I stripped off my shirt and tucked it away to keep dry,wish I had been able to strip off the shorts too. Would have been a more pleasant taxi ride back to the hotel than in wet shorts.

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RE: out door shower

I love walking in the rain on a warm day. I remember being at a myocal resort last year and i was doing a walk when it started one of them Florida car wash rains as rhey call it here. When I got back by the pool area people and my wife had taken shelter. My wife asked if I was nuts being out in the rain. As she stood there wet from being in the pool. She then had a reality check once she said it. I also installed an outdoor shower in our back yard. I have pics of that under my profile pics. Since I cant seem to post to any groups.

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RE: out door shower

There's an old saying.........."You know your getting old if you
done like to get wet from the rain." Guess we're forever young.
Growing up on the farm; our house had a large slanted roof over our
back door. In a good rain the gutter would over flow in the middle,
channeling the water into a water fall. Many a warm summer rain
shower were taken, (mom made us use soap too) under that spot.

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RE: out door shower

Hubby has built a simple, low cost outdoor shower in back. We got a few concrete paving stones for the floor, placed them on gravel and have some of the gravel surrounding the pavers. A hose simply runs over to the house spigot and its fantastic. He even found a relatively inexpensive instant on water heater so its not too chilly. Anytime I'm out back I can shower off after a little yard work. There's a pipe attached to a couple of scraps of wood where we can hang towels and they dry quickly in the out of doors.
I realize that neighbors could peek over the fence even though we have extended it a couple of feet higher, but I got over concern about that many years ago. Men will gawk and leer no matter what I'm wearing...or not! I guess watching a woman shower outside could be the answer to a fantasy, but I just want to get clean quickly and have the gorgeous feeling of the open air and outdoors while I'm doing it. I'm just a middle aged mother.

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