Tips? Tricks?
Hey all. I am VERY new to nudism but have been trying to get into the gym scene. I am off Friday and Monday (Feb 5 and Feb 8). Would really like to skype with someone who knows what they are doing and can give me tips and some techniques. Would be AMAZING start to 2016!Thanks! Message me if interested!
You are already looking good! My goal being over 50 is to continue to be healthy. There are many men my age in the gym who are a lot stronger than me but their body fat hides their conditioning. I'd say develop a routine in the gym and a routine for getting there and you'll do fine. Eat your bigger meals before noon and get good sleep. I don't see any magic at being in good shape just routine and discipline. Glad to skype or provide more info but I'm not the one who can help you get to the next level of amazing vs. staying on task with a healthy lifestyle.