RE: Simply ask

This is a great story and I'm glad it worked out okay.
I'm fairly sure our postman wouldn't care either. Pity we can't say the same for the neighbours

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RE: Simply ask

I don't care who knows. If someone asks where I live I tell them. If they don't know what it is I tell them. Some give a stunned look, others just go really, your one of "them". Then I tell them about the feeling of freedom, what goes on (and what doesn't go on). And some just go "that"s cool"and express their desire or wish to go.

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RE: Simply ask

Wouldn't it be great, as suggested, if we all could just walk or bike fully nude in our neighborhoods and eventually venture beyond without anyone claiming offense or alarm?Yes, I really wish I could walk down the street to the mailbox during the day. That's the only time I've been dressed over the last 3 days and it a pain to get dressed to walk down a couple of houses, get the mail and go back inside to strip again.

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RE: Simply ask

That's great, I'm gonna just ask my neighbors, at least on my side of the building. Good to hear things like that.I'm gradually losing my fear of being nude where there's a high probability that a neighbor or delivery person may walk up. I've already put a sign by the door which says that he/she may encounter me nude.The opportunity for this hasn't happened yet. After reading these posts I feel incredibly encouraged to stay nude regardless of who shows up.Thanks everybody!!

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RE: Simply ask

I live in a small village - the sort where everyone knows what everyone else is doing. They all know and accept that I'm a nudist. But that isn't the same as them being happy to see me naked. In the summer I post a sign on my gate warning that this garden may contain nudity.

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RE: Simply ask

I wish I could sun outside but there is no privacy around my house.Have you seen the portable privacy screens they advertise on Camping World ?

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RE: Simply ask

I suppose at the end of the day, it's your turf and up to you how you dress on it. It's great that you asked though and great that your postie isn't an idiot.

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