Story for the post Aircraft Flying Overhead
Aircraft flying overhead You are right about the hang gliders flying down off the mountain over Tiger Mountain Nudist Club (Fraternity Snoqualmie). One day we were there, all in the hot tub and saw one hang glider directly overhead and then it happened........he lost his wind. Down he came in a circle, lower and lower, and all the way down we could hear him yelling, "Oh no! Oh no!". The last circle he came over about 10' over our heads, just missed the pool house roof, and landed in the middle of the lawn area. I think the thing that scared him the most wasn't the crash.....I think it was him laying on his back among his glider parts, and looking up at this giant circle of all thesenaked people looking down at him, asking if he was ok. I swear he grabbed everything and was gone from sight in 3 minutes.....LOL
Hang gliders land and launch off the cliffs that overlook a nude beach near Torquay Victoria,Australia. It doesn't seem to faze the pilots or the nudest on the beach, even when the guys have to land on the beach on the rare occasion.
This is exactly as it should be, both parties enjoying their recreation time doing what they enjoy.
My wife was so fascinated by the hang gliders spiralling overhead we went up to the launch site and chatted to the pilots. Dressed of course as the launch site is not part of the nudist beach.
....This is exactly as it should be, both parties enjoying their recreation time doing what they enjoy...
So very tree. There used to be hang gliders taking off from cliffs near a local nudist beach here, haven't seen them in recent years, not sure if they've been stopped from accessing the cliffs or if its not such a popular pursuit now. When they were flying there it was as you describe, the two groups peaceully co-existing. The hang gliders preferred to avoid landing on the beach as it was a hell of a trek, on foot only, to get their gear back up the cliff. a few did lose their wind and land amongst us nudists, never saw any issues with nudists happily helping them get their flying gear off of the beach (not get their gear off!), our nudity didn't seem to faze the flyers either.
I can't imagine what the flyer in the original story thought was possibly going to happen to cause him to be gone in a few minutes. Be publicly stripped? Be forced to fly away naked? What do some people really think we nudists do when we're at a club?! Is our press that bad?!