Connection as a reason for nudism
To be connected or one with nature. Naturism may be very closely
tied to this one. Druidry and Wicca want to bring the spiritual and
physical together - to connect with nature or the divine - opposed
to the ancient Gnostic dualist notion that spirit is good and
physical is bad. Holistic.
A Christian view on connection would to be fully aware and
present in nature. Or a desire or longing to return to our
God intended state. Pre-fall Garden of Eden or for the New
Heavens and New Earth which presumably would be like the Garden of
Eden. Living symbiotically with nature. Nature being
God's creation not part of God. Worshiping the Creator not
Creation. As opposed to the dualist notion, God created us as
physical/spiritual beings, both present before the fall and will be
again with the new Heavens and New Earth. The whole point of
Resurrection. Nuditus Naturalis - natural state of nakedness
God's own beauty is reflected in our bodies and souls.
Made in the image of God.
Prayer if done to commune with
nature the divine.
Prayer if done to be fully aware and present,
creature and creation, communing with the Creator.
I came across this passage from John Muir about skinny dipping up
in Yosemite somewhere near half dome: "No pain here, no dull empty
hours, no fear of the past, no fear of the future. These blessed
mountains are so compactly filled with God's beauty, no petty
personal hope or experience has room to be. Drinking this champagne
water is pure pleasure, so is breathing the living air, and every
movement of limbs is pleasure, while the whole body seems to feel
beauty when exposed to it as it feels the camp-fire or sunshine,
entering not by the eyes alone, but equally through all one's flesh
like radiant heat, making a passionate ecstatic pleasure-glow not
explainable. One's body then seems homogeneous throughout, sound as
a crystal." - Muir, John (2015-03-29). My First Summer in the
Sierra (Illustrated) (Kindle Locations 1238-1242). Kitrinos
Here is another description of skinny dipping: "There is a certain
sensation to swimming naked that can be characterized only by its
quality of exquisite smoothness the smooth
slip of the water along your stomach and ribs, the smooth flow of
coolness as though through instead of around your body and limbs, a
smoothness that is unbroken by the least hindrance of material,
even strap or string. It is an entirely new sensation, one that
boyhood itself can not possibly have known, for to the boy as to
the happy savage it is too
natural for him to recognize; to
appreciate it, you must first have been subjected to years of using
a bathing suit." - Merrill, Frances (2013-04-16). Among the Nudists
- Early Naturism (Kindle Locations 637-641). Read Books Ltd..
"Although the making of each TreeSpirit image is a unique and
unpredictable experience, being among trees and feeling connected
to them is an ancient, reliable alchemy. Humans and trees
have been connected, interdependent, for thousands of years, and
still are."