RE: Testicles: Feeling the cold

Its the first time that I hear testicules are implied in regulate corporal temperature. I always knew that testicules must be hanging out from the body to avoid an excesive temperature that can damage the good quality of sperm... but now reading this I understand why I have the freeze feeling in the whole body when I only put my body to the hips in cool water... now I understand why not only my testicules shrink and go up to the body

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RE: Testicles: Feeling the cold

Yeah... i generally do not feel the cold as much when I am naked... quite strange?!!!

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RE: Testicles: Feeling the cold

my testicals r very happy where i live because they r out and about 24/7 365 days a year

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RE: Testicles: Feeling the cold

like some of you i do feel colder when iam dressed then when i am nude doint know why this is , my wife hate it sometimes i can be nude around the house and she is cold wearing wearing a nightgown and robe

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RE: Feeling the cold

I know this thread is pretty old, but I felt the need to comment here. I don't know about the whole testicle part of this, but I do know that the less clothing I wear in the winter the warmer I actually feel. In fact I had this conversation with my sister this past winter. We were at our mom's house, standing outside smoking. The temp was about 23 degrees Fahrenheit. I was in a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers while my sister and her husband wore jeans, boots, long sleeved shirts, and big ass coats. I was fine, but they were freezing their butts off. The only logical reasoning I could think of was that their upper bodies were so warm, that it made every other part of their bodies feel that much colder, whereas my entire body felt the same temperature so it was better able to regulate itself thus allowing me to withstand the cold temps easier. Basically it's all in the mind, and it's easier to not mind if your mind only has to mind one temperature.

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RE: Feeling the cold

Agree, this is a curious phenomenon, but I totaly understand as I experience exactly the same thing. Almost seems to be the more I am nude, the less I feel the cold. Ok some will say, have lost all sense, but seems to that the body somehow adapts with time. I reaikse that cannot apply to extreme cold, but this the first year I have not stopped swimming in winter.

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RE: Testicles: Feeling the cold

Yes equal time for the nipples....I'm for that.
My husband and I have a sure-fire way of knowing when it's too cold to be nude: When his penis and my nipples are the same size - it's too cold to be nude!

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