-11 F (Ugh!)

It's a cold weekend here in the Northeast - was -11 F when I got up this morning! Wind chill of -33! Finally warmed up enough inside to be about the house naturally, but it sure is cold outside! Florida is looking better all the time! ;-) Hope it's warm wherever all my nudists friends are and my fellow Northeastern nudist friends are keeping warm and without winter weather problems! And Happy Long Naked Holiday Weekend to everyone state side!

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RE: -11 F (Ugh!)

Feeling for all my friends and members back in the NE with this bone chilly cold weather. Just pack a bag and fly out to Phoenix. We are having a winter heat wave. Breaking record highs all last week and this up coming week. Could even hit 90 degree on Wed. It is great for nude hiking in the desert or just laying out working on that all over tan.

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RE: -11 F (Ugh!)

February in Alberta Canada is suppose to be very cold naturally. But this year we are being treated to a great winter. right now it's 37 f going up to 41 F when it should be -10 F normally.

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RE: -11 F (Ugh!)

here in south Texas it's been warm all last week and going to be their again this week mid 70's so for us spring even showed up early here we should be cold this time of year "or what we consider cold mid 60's"

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RE: -11 F (Ugh!)

Hate to brag ...Southern California ...mid 80's for the last
week and will be warm all next week ... all the way til the end of the month! Gotta get to Black's Beach!!!! ;-)

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RE: -11 F (Ugh!)

20 F here. But I'm still nude - under 2 blankets!

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RE: -11 F (Ugh!)

At Blacks what sort of water temps will you encounter?

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RE: -11 F (Ugh!)

It's 16 degrees F here in New York City

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RE: -11 F (Ugh!)

At Blacks what sort of water temps will you encounter?Today ... about 62 degrees. Too cold for this nudist to skinny dip except for my feet and up to my knees but there are hardcore surfers out there in their wetsuits riddin' the waves! :D

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RE: -11 F (Ugh!)

30 F and some freezing drizzle in the Ozarks. Ready for spring, the Dogwoods blossoming, and a return to the lakes for swimming and boating!We are getting a warm spell..... here in Ks ( Wichita area )50 deg at 6:25 pm going to be in the 70's thursday...

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RE: -11 F (Ugh!)

-5 here in PA this morning

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