Valentine's Day stories to share?

Hello all,
I was just wondering if any of our users have Romantic
Valentine's day stories to share. Did any couples get to spend some
time at their local Nudist resorts or vacation anywhere exciting? I know the weather has been harsh
on the East Coast but in AZ we've had some amazing nude tolerant
weather. Would love to hear some of your experiences over the
Stay nude!

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RE: Valentine's Day stories to share?

yes we did went to our little nudist resort by Ft Worth Tx had a wonderful time weather was nice

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RE: Valentine's Day stories to share?

Excellent to hear Hollersloud!

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RE: Valentine's Day stories to share?

This Valentine's Day almost didn't make it out of the starting gate. Though we were not able to visit any special resorts, we were able to spend some quality time at our quasi-get-away. The weekend chores were being completed and a quick run to the local Wally's was I entered to pick up her list of items, I spotted a display of heart shaped candy boxes with the Valentines pitch...a simple 'Happy Valentine's Day' and a bright red heart. I was sold!! A visit to the rest of the store for the varied items on her list completed my trip and I started for the checkout. As I started through the line, an abandoned pot with a small rose bush that was in the process of blooming its heart out, had been left on the side of the line. I looked around...and looked around. There was no one near the bright red flowers with it's decorated pot. I looked...turned away...but had to look back. I asked the cashier next to me if it belonged to anyone in the line...a quick 'no' resonated. That was it...the flowers had spoken and it went in the cart. It was even on sale!! The trip back to the house was uneventful and the items unloaded...except the candy and flowers. The next morning (the 14th), the candy and flowers were brought in to my still somewhat sleepy wife...her look was priceless. She still talking about her flowers today. I guess this really proves that it's the little thought that counts and demonstrating to your wife how much she means to you. That is the real reason for the holiday. Buy your wife flowers and candy...pass it on. John.... =)

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RE: Valentine's Day stories to share?

We had a "make up" Valentine's Day on Monday. Di was under the weather for a few days prior and still wasn't over it enough to go out and have a good time until Monday. We visited our local wineries and had lunch and shared a bottle of wine with a great pizza at the winery where we are members.
Afterwards, we came home, got comfortable and laid out on the lounges poolside and took a little nap! It was a nice make up day.

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RE: Valentine's Day stories to share?

Buy your wife flowers and candy...pass it on. John.... =)John you can never go wrong with flowers and candy!

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RE: Valentine's Day stories to share?

We had a "make up" Valentine's Day on Monday. Di was under the weather for a few days prior and still wasn't over it enough to go out and have a good time until Monday. We visited our local wineries and had lunch and shared a bottle of wine with a great pizza at the winery where we are members.Afterwards, we came home, got comfortable and laid out on the lounges poolside and took a little nap! It was a nice make up day.;-)Wine, pizza AND a nap!!! My favorite things! Sounds like the perfect Valentines day! All done nude of course :)

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RE: Valentine's Day stories to share?

I always get my wife flowers to start off V Day. This year it was flowers, we cooked a fantastic meal together with a bottle of wine and then spent the rest of the night doing what you're supposed to do on Valentines Day ;)

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RE: Valentine's Day stories to share?

Buy your wife flowers and candy...pass it on. John.... =)John you can never go wrong with flowers and candy!Ahhhhhh Yes ... Red Roses delivered on Monday and a 2 lb box of her favorite See's Candy with a nice card! ... and ... wine, pizza and for sure, a Naked Nap! :D

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RE: Valentine's Day stories to share?

If I remember - I get lucky

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