Satellites Flying Overhead

There's an old topic discussing concerns about planes flying overhead and others about drones. Well I've never worried about it and just don't care. Turns out there really is no reason to worry about planes and drones because you'll be seen anyway. My son was using Google Earth today and looked up our address. Guess what? If you know what to look for, there I am laying out nude by the pool! All you can really see is my red beach towel on one of our chaise lounges and what appears to be a person laying on it. I have a feeling the original pictures or those from other satellites are a lot more clear. Last I checked the Google Earth pictures of places like Laguna Del Sol don't zoom in as far.
My son and I both think it is quite funny! So when you're out getting some sun, wave, you're on candid camera!

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RE: Satellites Flying Overhead

The degree that any of these intrusive means to spy on our everyday lives affects every nudist will depend largely on how open they are about their nudism. If you do things like unashamedly share recognisable nude photographs online or frequently use local clothing optional beaches there is a chance of being seen nude by someone who knows you. If you have a job where the discovery of your nudism could affect your employment. the more means there are for you to be captured nude outside the more of an issue it will become.
I'm lucky in that personally it doesn't matter who knows that I'm a nudist, its something I value and enjoy too much to worry about who knows, another means to be photographed naked won't really make any difference after many years of public nudism in many countries. My partner has the same approach apart from having a job where her nudism could be problematic. So another means to be captured enjoying life naked as we prefer is always another problem for her, and thus us. She wears hats and sunglasses normally when we're enjoying nudism outside, we'll carry on being nude as much as possible, we love social nudism too much to stop, her hats and sunglasses might just get bigger to enable us to live as the nudists we are.

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RE: Satellites Flying Overhead

I'm fairly certain that Google Earth uses the same technology as Google Maps.
It only uses satellite images up to a certain zoom range. They then swap over to images taken from aeroplanes so you're only back to the original problem of waving to the planes as they fly over.
It's probably the case that you can't zoom in as close to nudist areas, or military areas, etc. because Google either don't have, or aren't releasing those airborne images.

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