
Almost time for the beach Thur. it'sgoing to be about 68. Almost almost time to hit the sand

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RE: Almost

Looking forward to a good summer at Gunny! I'm usually there most Fridays from about 11am to 2 or 3pm. Most often I'm down by the south end about midway up to the dunes. Wear a tan hat with a gold fish hook on the brim. Feel free to stop and chat.

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RE: Almost

Almost time for the beach Thur. it'sgoing to be about 68. Almost almost time to hit the sandI got there for a couple hours this afternoon. Even though the temperatures away from the shore were in the mid to upper 70's - it was really quite chilly on the beach. The wind was off the ocean, so I don't think the air temperature was above 60. But there were quite a few hardy nudists there - most with their windscreens, which make a big difference on a day like today. I even saw a few folks take the plunge into the water.
On another note - the boardwalk and beach mat leading onto the beach are gone (I forget - were they there last season?) So the trek from the parking lot is pretty much all on sand at the moment, once you leave the bathroom/patio area.

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RE: Almost

I too thought it was going to be chilly at the shore.. BUT look forward to going later in the season. Here at home itgot to 78 (Humidity at 20%) Absolutely great out on the deck. I guess I should get some company over too! BUT really can't wait to get to the hook. Steve

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RE: Almost

On another note - the boardwalk and beach mat leadingonto the beach are gone (I forget - were they there last season?)So the trek from the parking lot is pretty much all on sandat the moment, once you leave the bathroom/patio area.

They take them in during the winter months to protect them from
storm damage and flooding. Don't worry, they'll be put out again

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RE: Almost

Good to know - thanks Jim.

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