More comfortable being photographed nude?

I was transferring some photos from a camera to the main computer
that we store our photos on recently when I decided to compare the
number of nudist photos with all other types. All other categories
far outnumbered nudist ones but over recent years we have far
more people shots of us naked than clothed.
Thinking about this I feel more relaxed and comfortable when naked
and feel that way too when I'm photographed nude, I tend to not
like the shots of myself when dressed, I look uncomfortable in my
view. Digital photography makes life easier for nudists, no more
wondering if the processors will return all of the photos when the
film has nudist shots on it. We've got prints of us nude from a
long time ago but since digital cameras have been around our
collection of nudist shots has expanded significantly. I guess
we're so used to be photographed naked now that we think nothing of
it, 25 years or so ago it was not so easy to do unless you
developed your own photos and you kept needing to buy film, once
you have storage memory you can keep clicking away.We live nude at
home year round, we socialise a fair bit with nudist friends, being
naked is what we're used to, it feels very natural to be
photographed nude, we're nudists, its how we prefer to
Do others here feel more comfortable being photographed nude than
clothed? Is it the same whether you're naked or dressed? Are you
more comfortable being photographed in clothing?

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RE: More comfortable being photographed nude?

My involvement with nude photography now spans close to one-
half of a century. Early on, while working as a professional photographer, my avocation
was female glamour photography. I developed a reputation as a good, no nonsense
photographer and had no problem finding models willing to pose in exchange for

More recently, I
became I became an avid Photoshop user and needed subjects for my compositions
but I had lost my pool of models due to relocation and other factors. I began
taking nude photos of myself using the
self- timer on the camera. While visiting several nude resorts and beaches
throughout the years, I began to collect at least record shots at each new
location. I found I enjoyed posing for the camera almost as much as I enjoyed
taking the pictures. At the nude venues I was always able to find someone to take
the camera and snap off a few shots. Here, back home, its not quite as easy to
find someone, male or female, interested in taking nude photos of me. One must be quite careful as to whom to
suggest the idea. I will still use the self-timer when I find a scenic and isolated
location but it lacks the flexibility and spontaneity of having someone
else behind the camera.

Now, as the years
have past, I realized that with one exception, all my recent photos have been
nude. It was with some trepidation when I
posted my first nude picture on line. Now Ive found TN to be an ideal place to
store these private albums.

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RE: More comfortable being photographed nude?

I had reason to back up all the photos on my computer recently. I found I have over 22,000 nude photos compared with only 5400 on all other subjects, that's a 4:1 ratio. I tell people they are only allowed to photograph me when I'm naked. There are times when I'm forced to be photographed clothed. As you can see they are rare. I'm much more comfortable being naked. And there are many thousand nude photos of myself on the internet.

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RE: More comfortable being photographed nude?

I'm certainly more comfortable being photographed nude. While, on
the one hand, one might say that my body looks like every other
nude male body, it really doesn't. My body is, indeed, different
from others'. it's uniquely me and shows openly who I really am,
for all to see. By contrast, I find that all clothed photos have a
sameness to them. Clothing equals vanity--what do I want to look
like, what image project?Especially in the business world,
guys in suits all look exactly like one another, heaven forbid life
should come to that! By contrast I'm proud of my naked self-photos.
Can't say I have the thousands that others here have,mine
number only in the high hundreds.

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RE: More comfortable being photographed nude?

Both my wife & I are very, very comfortable being nude & being photographed while 100% nude.

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RE: More comfortable being photographed nude?

I've never had a problem with being photographed nude whether at the club, at the beach, or in my backyard. It's natural and it's me.

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RE: More comfortable being photographed nude?

Some interesting replies, thanks.
@ macnude - despite cameras having a reputation for upsetting nudists as soon as they're in someone's hands there are a number of people we know who enjoy nude photo sessions, as long as its just us as a group with cameras, not everyone else on the beach. We tend to wander along the beach to a quiet spot where we can photograph each other without risking upsetting someone else who suspected they might be in the background. I've volunteered to be part of promotional photo and video shoots for nudist clubs a few times in the past. Its not something everyone wants to do but if you're not bothered about who might see you naked it can be good fun, I've known one or two other volunteers each time and met another 20-30 or so new nudists each time. The other participants have always been very relaxed, often are slightly extrovert in a good way and we've been paid with free return visits. Its usually meant an early start so as we're being photographed using the facilities before the clubs get busier and then we've wandered around the grounds later for shots there, usually finishing by lunchtime and then having the rest of the day to enjoy being nude with new friends. What I've found funny was as the shoot went on it would attract more and more onlookers, all nudists but generally not relaxed about being included with us in the photos, two or three exceptions at the most might join in. So there are about 30 nudists being photographed in various combinations, locations and poses and sometimes at least that number of nude onlookers, as soon as a camera lens swings round half turn away or cover their face while the other half smile!
I agree fully on it being far easer to do this with other people, self timers are very useful but framing and focussing is more hit and miss.
@Olly - "There are times when I'm forced to be photographed clothed." Thats how I feel when photographed clothed, its not a pleasurable experience and does indeed feel forced, an false. I've told people I'll only smile if they photograph me nude! That's an interesting ratio of nude and non-nude shots.
@ Leolucbx - I very strongly agree that we all look very different when nude, but that's possibly something only we nudists can discern in that way. 'Suits' has taken on aderogatorymeaning in some circles, birthday suit is my favourite.
Being photographed nude is indeed very natural, I think that's why I too am 100% comfortable when nude in front of a camera

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RE: More comfortable being photographed nude?

Did I say that I and about 20 other nude hikers enjoyed being filmed (always naked)for a short documentary which is touring the UK film festivals. It's called Traveling Light. Amusingly at the end of that week's hiking we were getting dressed and packing our cars ready to leave when someone asked for a group photo.Everyone's clothes were off in an instant ready to pose.

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RE: More comfortable being photographed nude?

i am more comfortable naked than clothed and am not worried about
being photographed nude. I have written articles for a nudist
magazine and been lucky enough to have them published, the articles
included nude photos of me.

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RE: More comfortable being photographed nude?

I much prefer to be nude when photographed. When naked I'm relaxed, happy and ME. And I want the whole world to see them. I have managed to get some out into the textile world but acceptance is not easy.

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RE: More comfortable being photographed nude?

I am sometimes surprised at how much more relaxed and smiling I am when photographed naked compared to clothed shots. But then I love to take naked pics in beautiful locations, usually out in nature, so I am happy to begin with. I am fairly careful to maintain control of my pics , on my own camera or camera of trusted friends, but do post to nudist websites like TN. I have seen a few in random places but don't lose sleep over it. I like to travel and have naked pics from lots of places.

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